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Behaviourist and Psychoanalytic Psychology


Submitted By jomac17
Words 920
Pages 4
Behaviorist and Psychoanalytic Psychology

Psychology has been around for as long as the human civilization. Every now and then as social situations shift, we have new psychological approaches taking place and they go a long way to act as a response to such shifts in social situations as well as discontent with theoretical explanations advanced previously. It therefore follows that each psychology system has differing perspectives as well as objectives on what constitutes fiction or fact. It hence follows that the view of truth for each system is largely dependent on the research methods as well as goals and techniques in place. In this ext, I compare and contrast psychoanalytic psychology and behaviorist psychology. I also give my opinion on how these theories are utilized in the practice of psychology.

A discussion
When it comes to the evolution, it is important to note that Psychoanalysis and Behaviorism both share unique though substantively different intellectual as well as social contexts. Sigmund Freud is considered the pioneer of psychoanalysis which is considered to be quite influential as far as psychology is concerned. Amongst those who influenced Freud his early days include but are not limited to Chrobak Rudolf, Jean-Martin Charcot as well as Breuer, Josef. It can be noted that these three individuals had a lot in common and this included their view of neurotic disorders and the role sex played by sex in the same.

On the other hand, behaviorism, tailored for purposes of behavioral control as well as prediction was largely a product o the utilitarian school of thought. According, to Leahey (2003) behaviorism owes much of its difference from Psychoanalysis due to its attempt to make psychology a science in the same rank with biology and physics. Further, in contrast to Psychoanalysis, behaviorism is not largely rooted in the study

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