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Being A Coward Research Paper

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It's amazing what the human mind thinks its body can do. We've all had those day dreams of being the hero, saving the day or whatnot. But when it comes down to it? We are all cowards.
Now, I'm not saying that there aren't true heroes out there, people who do fantastic things. But for the most part, us as human beings…well, we're a cowardous race!
Take me, for an example.
Right now, I am standing in the middle of a highway, at midnight. There are cars all around me…and I can't move a muscle! When I was held captive, I thought I could just run across to get to Safety! I thought I would parkour over a couple of cars, and sprint away! But here I am, thinking my last thoughts…
You know, it has to be the weirdest feeling. The cars must be racing …show more content…
She and I, we finally got together. I mean, I was a coward for at least a couple years. I liked her for ages, and she liked me! But I was just a coward. There was nothing that could make me go up to her and ask her out – even though we both knew that we liked each other! I remember cursing the stupid American tradition that a guy should ask out a girl. I mean, how sexists could you get? Still, I digress…
We were so similar, and so different… Her amazing blonde hair…her nervous smile… I knew she hated those traits, but I loved her more for it. I could go on, but why bother? She will never see me again, but she will cry. The one thing I told her that night, besides the fact that I hated myself for being a coward for so long, was that I never wanted to make her cry. I promised that I would …show more content…
I never thought it was such a big deal-I thought everyone had felt like me! But after a while, I realized that most people would smile often, laugh a lot, and generally be care-free beings! I knew, then, that there was something wrong.
Of course, I never saw a doctor. Why would I? They just want your money, or just are plain wrong. I mean, they are almost as bad as politicians, lawyers and weather men!
No, I self-diagnosed myself, which might be even worse. This means that even though I never had to take drugs or anything for my sadness, I let my feelings stay trapped inside, building, condensing.
I stopped myself from feeling.
I stopped all the major feelings, happiness, sadness, anger. Sometimes I succeeded, but sometimes I failed. Anger and sadness would break the barrier, but never happiness. The only “good” emotion I let live inside me was love, for being heartless would be a cruel fate.
Being of a generally bad creature, now that I have subdued my good feelings of joy, excitement, curiosity, fun, eagerness, I was left a wreck. I was not cruel, but I became a sarcastic, all-business monster.
It's a miracle she still loved

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