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Being Bilingual


Submitted By sgarz171
Words 347
Pages 2
Growing up knowing more than one language has many advantages but then again people do face challenges. An advantage in being bilingual would be the obvious of getting a job adding to that would be the salary being received. Another up would be being able to travel to where your second language is spoken and not feeling like an outcast. Now having that in mind if you are an immigrant that has recently moved somewhere where your native language is not spoken that would be a problem because now you would feel like an outcast. On top of being an outcast you have no way of communicating with anyone because your native language is, let us say Spanish, and you live in Houston where the dominate language is English. But, after a while you learn your second language and can start passing up your downs and receive your advantages of being bilingual.
As your growing up your learning your “new” language but before that you were “socially disadvantaged” as said in Richard Rodriguez’s “A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood”. This is said to be a disadvantage, not of being bilingual but it is the step you have to take before being able to be considered bilingual. As Rodriguez stated in his short story he was also the “problem student” only because he was not completely familiar with this new language he eventually had to take up. His family was also part of being “socially disadvantage” they hardly knew any English and had trouble communicating with their surrounding neighbors. They spoke what was known as broken English, they were understood but at times people had no clue of what they spoke of. Being the outcast anywhere and not being able to communicate with anyone is the worst. But once you have learned the “public language” you tend to fit in with the rest of society around you.
Once you have learned your second language or even if you already knew it you automatically receive all the advantages of being bilingual. Now a day some jobs require you...

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