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Belfast Zoo: Brand Case Study


Submitted By conortol
Words 3573
Pages 15
Branding Case Study
Definition: The marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products
(Entrepreneur Encyclopedia)

A Brand is:• Names or symbols that identify the unique source of a product or service• The personification of an organization, product or service • The source of a promise to the customer • A trust mark • A single concept or idea imbedded in the mind of the customer • A set of associations that enhance or detract from the related product or service • The source of customer loyalty • That which allows one to charge a price premium for an otherwise generic product or service• A unique value proposition • The source of emotional connections with customers • The primary source of customer ‘goodwill’ • That which should drive the design of the ‘total customer experience’(Daye & VanAuken, 2011) |

Both of these definitions indicate that the process of branding relies on one process; impression. For any brand or company it is vital to make an impression in the mind of its consumers. The brand has to be imprinted into their consciousness and differentiated from its competitors
"Brand is everything, and everything is brand." (Pallotta, 2011) By this, the author means the face of the company (the logo, visage etc.) and its business strategy collaborates to define what a brand actually represents. A brand is basically the mission statement of a company embodied; no detail of a brand is insignificant.

The identity of a brand provides direction, meaning and purpose. When creating an identity is important to consider: * Core Values * Representation * Recognition * Personality * Relationships
The foundation of Brand Identity is Brand Architecture, which is the framework in which a brand positions

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