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Beneficial Technologies


Submitted By SeaOfRiches
Words 1131
Pages 5
Beneficial Technology
Canesha Abdulahi
AIU Online
December 14, 2014

Beneficial Technology
Every industry has its own requirements that are unique for the implementation of technology solutions that can aid in managing and growing their business. We will be looking at requirements for the industries of retail, healthcare and manufacturing. These are organizations that could have the same requirements that work for sales and Human Resources. The differences in the organizations reveal they have client bases and operation that are different. This means that they require different legal requirements for privacy and data protection. Some of the companies in these industries may have to have more Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) such as product and supply chain management, financial management, sales order management and materials management (Wilhite, 2014).
SBS Seating
SBS Seating manufactures leather seating. I would first recommend a kind of Furniture Manufacturing Software. This software would be part of a Material Resource Planning system (MRP). The software has to put together all of the correct steps that are needed in order to build chairs at a level of flow of information that is correct. The plan must include Customer Relationship Portal (CRM), financial management, service support, supply chain management, production management and E commerce if planning to do online sales (Epicor, n.d.). The software will let management teams find out how much it will cost to make a piece of furniture from the information entered. It will also let them to find out which quantity and type of inventory is on hand. The company will be able to manage the whole cycle of the supply chain from beginning to end. By using a Just-in-time inventory approach, SBS will be able to avoid an out of inventory mishaps because they will know how much product they have on

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