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Submitted By clint
Words 564
Pages 3
Clinton L. Jones, Jr,
BIBL110 D38
DB Forum 1
April 5, 2012

Step-1 Grasp the text in their town
The Letter to Colossae here in Colossians is for the church to see they needed to live as Christ lived while he was here on earth. Paul was imprisoned, but still giving them the sight to see beyond sight that they too will live as Jesus lives. The church was founded by Epaphras (Col.1:7). He was a native of the Colossian church and, an evangelist (fellow servant, disciple) in nearby Laodicea and Hierapolis. They informed Paul people was getting saved at the church only to see false teaching were being stirred among the people, Idolatry, rituals . So Paul writes back telling them they are Christ’s people not the worlds. (Col.2:20-23). Paul is telling them the Colossians that they should live for Christ daily. Dedicate everyday to him and press to the mark of a higher calling which is in Christ Jesus. (Phil.3:14) KJV.
Step-2 Measure the width of the river to cross
There aren’t many differences between us of today and the Christians in the Colossian church. We live in a country that is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. If we are so brave why are we not being more a soldier for Christ? The good Ole U.S.A. We are Christ children no matter where we are or live. They lived in the Greek area and we are the gentiles saved by grace and God’s mercy. We live by the spirit of Jesus inside us and they lived by the letters.
Step-3 Cross the principalizing bridge
The main idea in the Biblical text of Colossians 3:1-4 is that, Knowing that we belong to Christ, we are to set our mind, heart on things above not here on earth. Materialistic things should not cause us to lose our soul. For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the world, and loose his own soul? (Mk. 8:36) KJV. So let us First: seek heavenly things then Second: Set our affections

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