Premium Essay

Bidaah Taimiyah


Submitted By ynaitis
Words 4144
Pages 17

If assessed the overall discussion and explanation scientists Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama regarding heresy, can be formulated that unlicensed innovation is "What-what religious affairs created by men after the age of al-Salaf al-Salih who pollute the genuineness of religion and menyelisihi purpose. "This definition can diperluaskan as follows: "What-what" meant all kinds of heresy, where he can divided to two categories:
1. Bid'ah in mind, namely what that involves opinion, doctrine and iktiqad. Sometimes innovation in the thinking of encouraging the entry into force of innovation in action. People who are typically involved in their heretical thoughts are wise and many think, just too bad their policies are not put in place as appropriate. 2. Bid'ah in deed, namely anything involving time, place and procedures in worship. Sometimes the act of heresy in the push to force innovation in thinking. People who are typically involved in the heresy acts were those who earnestly in prayer, just a shame they did not sooth put in place as appropriate.


Ibn Taymiyyah explains the two forms of this heresy: Heresy that there are two types, the first relates to words (opinions) and iktiqad , (the second) associated with the deeds and worship. The second type of heresy which includes the first type as the heresy of the first kind would encourage the occurrence of the second kind.The people are knowledgeable, thinkers and people who follow them is like, Feared if they do not closely adhere to the Koran and al-Sunnah will fall into the heresy of the first kind. Meanwhile, people who diligently worship, thinkers,wills hard and like unto those who follow them,feared if they do not closely adhere to the Koran and al-Sunnah will fall into the heresy of the second kind.So ready known that unlicensed heresy (the first

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