Premium Essay



Submitted By redpirarara
Words 3725
Pages 15
There are many different legends and stories that have passed down from generation to generation. It is likely that everyone will have heard some type of legend told to him or her at some point in his or her life. Some legends are told and then fade into history. Some legends are kept alive as time passes and become so widespread that it touches everyone's life at some point. One legend that has caused decades of speculation is the legend of Bigfoot. The legend of Bigfoot has become widely popular in North America. It has even spawned similar legends told in other parts of the world. While most legends are told and brushed off as simply crazy stories, the legend of Bigfoot has caused much debate and investigation into the truth behind the stories of the giant ape-like animal. Many scientists have studied the supposed evidence of Bigfoot and the stories that have been told about the creature. For years, the research into the existence of Bigfoot has gone on with no conclusive evidence being found to prove the existence or non-existence of such an animal. As the questions remain, the legend of Bigfoot lives on and continues to grow from year to year.
The stories and evidence provided in this paper are all from David Jenkins’ personal collection and experiences. David Jenkins was my zoology teacher in tenth grade, my biology teacher in eleventh grade, and finally my marine biology teacher my senior year. Mr. Jenkins has gone to church with my family and I since I can remember. He is a science teacher by trade, but is also a legitimate Bigfoot researcher and is affiliated with the Bigfoot Field Research Organization. When I spoke to Mr. Jenkins in May 2013, that I would be writing a research paper on the subject of Bigfoot, he was more than pleased to help me.


When people hear talk

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