Premium Essay

Bilbo's Mission In The Hobbit

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Why do people undertake missions? Bilbo, Farah, and Walt all had goals that they wanted to reach. They reach their goals because they were to determined to give up. Farah is a girl, who lost her leg from a land mine when she was very young, she grow up in a country that was in the middle of a war. Walt is a boy, who was determined to save a mans land during the gold rush. Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit that stays in his house by himself away from all other people, hobbits, and creatures. Anybody can undertake a mission you just have to put your mind to it. If you don't believe in yourself nobody else will either, so if you want people to believe in you then believe in yourself. People undertake missions to reach their goals.

Farah, she lived in a war torn country. She was desperate to get out so that she could be safe and live in peace. In the story about Farah it tells about how she found a way out of Afghanistan. Farah undertook the mission because she wanted to be safe. Her goal was to finally be safe. She was so desperate to leave she felt no pain. "Desperation gave me energy and made me forget the rigor of the climb." …show more content…
Bilbo is a very shy hobbit, he doesn't like strangers but he also does not like danger. In the story about Bilbo it tells about how he was scared to go on the mission but he went anyway. Bilbo reached his goal of helping his

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