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Bio 205 Reporta


Submitted By mica86
Words 347
Pages 2
Most people agree that it is desirable to improve the quality of medical care and medicines. However, the improvement and innovation require biomedical research that may be “expensive”. The term “expensive” stated above is not only about the financial cost, which can be solved by public or private fund. The term also describes the dangers and reproaches that the researchers face and listen. These dangers and reproaches are coming from activists who oppose animal experimentations done by the researchers. However, the researchers consider the experimentations are necessary in order to produce credible results and safe products, and it cannot be replaced or eliminated. Thus, some scientists believe that they should inform the public about the importance of animal testing to gain public advocacy. However, other scientists worry about this idea since the media can bring adverse result.
Many scientists who speak in public about their work have suffered from activist intimidation and violence. For example, Colin Blakemore, neurobiologist at the University of Oxford, and his family suffered from terrorists after defending his animal research in public. Also, the University of Cambridge had to abandon its project in 2004 with the loss of local support due to the constant harassment of staff and members by animal activists. However, despite the insults and threats, some scientists believe that they should speak out about their research involving animal testing. They have organized or joined the group called Pro-Test to correct the misinformation put out by animal-right groups, and to tell the benefits of animal testing. As a result of their rally in 2006, Pro-Test have gained considerable public and media attention. In the same year, BBC broadcasted the documentary about animal research called “Monkeys, Rats and ME”. Furthermore, with the support and security provided by the government, the Oxford laboratory could be completed in 2008. Tipu Aziz and John Stein, who are the members of Pro-Test, argue that the scientists should not remain silent but speak out. This way, the public can hear both sides of the story and the scientists can defend their research.

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