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Black Knight Archetype

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Furthermore, the restriction of violent women lies in the traditional ideal of the woman as being weak. The trend of women being defenseless and in need of protection has been present in international culture and society for the majority of the human experience. A good example of this lies in the underlying culture of chivalry. Chivalry can be described as a double edged sword: on one hand it causes men to be more respectful of women and therefore less objectifying, but it also reinforces the narrative of female frailty, defenselessness, and required/desirable purity (Keitner 69-72). The representation of the “damsel in distress” and the chivalrous knight in classic myths and narratives follows into the standard Jungian archetype of The White Knight and the Princess (de Alvarenga 32-34). …show more content…
The Black Knight represents the antithesis to the ideal woman, and thus exists in these literary works to cause the woman to realize and possibly express her animus (de Alvarenga 31). This narrative assumes that the woman does not have the strength of will to deny the perverse intents of the Black Night and is therefore reliant upon her White Knight (the hero always rides a white horse) to protect the purity of her character. The importance of this is that it displays the expectation of feminine helplessness and the idolization of feminine immaculacy. Moreover, this portrayal not only shows the presence of this belief in society, the tentative age at which many of these stories are consumed influences the psyche of the upcoming generation too, making them truly

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