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Submitted By tidus199x
Words 1458
Pages 6
Blaut... CH. 4

We now know:

Capitalism was developing evenly throughout
Africa, Europe and Asia before 1492.


This process was called by Blaut: “Proto-capitalism.” So capitalism does not appear out of nowhere. It shifted its center from Indian Ocean to Europe = continuous process. Industrial revolution started later: symbolically situated in
1688 (overthrow of King James II in England by
Parliamentary group)


How did Capitalism develop more in Europe after 1492?

This is the main question of the chapter.

Why did Europe discover America?

Myth of adventuresome superiority in Europe.

Based on internal characteristics of Europe and giving no credit to non-Europeans.

But they were trading in maritime centers just like everyone else.

Technology superiority of Europe?

Others had traveled long distances.
Inventions were criss-crossing and Europeans did not have technological superiority in navigation.
So why...???

Special progress in Europe?

Nop... Europe in 1492 was “sluggish”.

Economic growth was slow and most likely negative. -

Urbanization process was slow.
In 1 or 2 decades progress and economic growth started to rise.




So Why???

Geographic location.

Europe was simply closer to America and this was an advantage.

Sailing conditions were better: winds were favorable.
West-African traders were oriented towards east by land and alongside the coast.
Marcos: but... why did they not go through Mediterranean
Sea? Technologically inferior vis-à-vis its enemies? Is the author still using the European miracle to explain the discovery? Why were Europeans successful in the conquest?

Blaut extends the non-superiority assumption to the
Americas. (Marcos: but

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