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Blue Whip Case


Submitted By rishabh2811
Words 1892
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Research report

Service provider strategies for mobile advertising: case studies
Alexandra Rehak October 2008

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Benefits of Selfassessment of Leaders

...Q1. Understanding Human Behavior is critical to organizations - discuss the benefits of self evaluation/self assessment as it relates to leaders today. Effective leadership is one critical aspect for organizations today. Pursuing high levels of effective leadership, leaders need to measure their skills and capabilities against different leadership dimensions. This will help leaders to spot dimensions that need enhancement and others that need development. This paper will discuss the benefits of leader’s self-assessment of different dimensions with focus on those related to understanding human behavior. Self Assessment Techniques: Different techniques of self-assessment have been developed. As (Clawson, et al., 2000:4) stated ‘There are many theories about the elements that make up leadership’ hence self assessment technique differ in terms of leadership dimensions measured. Another factor is the methodology used for each technique. Among the different techniques one can identify the Leadership Steps Assessment (LSA) developed by (Clawson, et al., 2000)Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 360 assessment and many more. LSA will be considered as a sample in this paper. Leadership Steps Assessment (LSA) LSA models the leadership using six dimensions, which defines the components of leadership which, as (Clawson, et al., 2000:4) proposed were: 1. Clarifying one’s center. 2. Clarifying what is possible. 3. Clarifying what others have to contribute. 4. Supporting others so they...

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