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Brave New World; a Violent Revelation


Submitted By trippyturtle710
Words 1016
Pages 5
In literature, writers are constantly trying to create a utopian society in which it is possible to achieve ultimate happiness and balance. Writers usually end up being unsuccessful with the task, and instead write about a contradicting world known as a dystopia. The dystopian future introduced in Aldous Huxley’s novel, Brave New World, controls societal values for ultimate social stability. John the Savage, being raised in the Savage Reservation as opposed to the World State, introduces an unconventional perspective on society. John, rejected from Savage society, draws his beliefs from the Shakespearean era after reading William Shakespeare’s plays. Because of his moral differences, John does not agree with life at the World State. One evening, when Lenina decides to profess her love for John, things go awry. While Lenina is attempting to seduce John, he instead lashes out angrily and assaults her. As the novel progresses, John seems to become increasingly agitated with society, further highlighting his frustration with this new world. As his frustration increases John rebels more, causing his stay in the World State to come to an abrupt end. John’s violent behavior towards Lenina reveals the differences in moral values, which further emphasizes John’s discontent for the World State.
Lenina stands for everything John disagrees with; lust and conformity. She acts as a prime example of the societal values, however, the beginning of the novel suggests she may slowly be drifting from her conditioning. Lenina’s friend Fanny reminds Lenina of how everyone belongs to everyone else, and how relationships are not monogamous. Later, Lenina realizes “[John’s] the one [she] wants” (Huxley 127). Lenina’s new emotions resemble those of an individual rather than of someone who has been encouraged to conform to society. The entire scene of Lenina going into John’s room is a

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