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Break Through Ideas


Submitted By lajnarehan
Words 2754
Pages 12
According to Heskett, 2012, leadership requires many top noch qualities which includes: competence, interpersonal skills, administrative, should be a snooping follower, a virtuous eavesdropper, a quest of veracity, instigator as well as empathizer, no autocraticness etc. But the main delimas that organizations are facing today is how to motivate their employees in order to improve their efficiency which will halp them in sustaining their competative advantage. Teresa M. Amabile and Steven J.Kramer had provided a breakthrough idea to deal with the motivational issues i.e. “managers are a powerful influencer, they can provide their employees with stimulating yet attainable gaoals, resources, encouragement, should protect the employees from the irrelevant goals, to cut short he/she should provide him a podium to aid him headway with a sanguine attitude.”
Leaders Role:
To implement the idea the companies either need to train the existing leaders or higher new ones which are having such qualities. As Barbara Kellerman in her book “the end of Leadership”, says “Teaching how to lead is where the money is,". In current eon, the utmost important practice that every organization should adopt is to have their employees satisfied yet motivated only then you will be able to achieve sky high profits. We have many examples like 3M Corp. there is a creative time for them in which they are allowed to invent small things the sticky note was one of the ideas. Now the question is why the companies need to engage their employees in such activities? The answer is simple take any industry the trends are on a continuous go, first the features or the benefits that were the part of the augmented product now are essential feature of the core ones. According to William B. Werther & L.Kerr you donot need to have a single competency in order to have competative advantage it’s the game of multiple simultaneously changing ones. Now to cater this , its not the only task of the company leaders if your employees are motivated they will obviously come up with new brilliant idea because unity is strength and the combined effect of many creative minds will be greater than the few. In the past 150 years, there have been more and more occurrences of ordinary people coming together to shape world history. King, Mandela and Ghandi, all formidable leaders in their own right, all used the masses not through strict authoritarian command but through influence, to achieve their goals. (The End of Leadership--at Least As We Know It!, 2012)
Leadership competency model: (Chen, 2006)
This model preeminently expounds what sorts of leader are required for the companies now-a-days. Training and development in terms of spawning the acceleration pool or succession planning ought to be steered by taking this model as one of the imperative variable.
Changes in organization:
To implement the inkling the organization needs to submit to important vicissitudes:
1. Organizational structure needs to be altered to more of a matrix or Hierarchy-Community Phenotype Model of Organization. (Lim, Griffiths, & Sambrook, 2010)
2. Constructive culture development is required, with achievement, self-actualizing, humanistic-encouraging and affiliations as important variables.
3. Communication channels need to flourish no grape wine, whistleblowing because they can negatively affect the throughput of employees. If the leader take their employees as integral part of their organizational success they should concoct ways to clean up the stumbling block that might encumber effective communication as well as goals, objectives, directions should be properly communicated with no” Middle Man”
4. Talking about MNC’s keeping in mind the type of strategy they are exhibiting they need to change the way they are executing the company , hierarchical level , centralization, control mechanism and communication channels.
5. Companies operating in different countries need to look at the culture or the prevailing inclinations in that particular industry. As an example, Leaders in India had a strong tendency to express dominance (direct, problem-solution orientation) in their leadership styles, then company need to look prudently before hiring host country nationalists. Undergo cost-benefit analysis of either hiring the home country or training the host country one
Leadership style and strategy:
First let us see how leadership affects strategy: Here the personal values of key implements are the leader, which means leaders not only affects the functioning of the employees but also plays a strategic role in whittling the strategy. If leaders are trained to keep in mind the interest of its people than categorically it will not do anything that will affect deleteriously the motivation of people and they will as an organization be able to innovate the market first, gain first mover advantage and high returns Inner directed approach of leadership is needed because it’s a novelty driven entrepreneurial values of innovation, risk and creativity. But this all hinge on on the type of corporate level stratagem an organization is having. Now if it’s a hospital then perceptibly the management or the head of department which is the leader will not fancy innovative or ingenious employees during surgeries whereas on the other hand Google or P&G will definitely.
Leadership style affecting the value creation: Primarily leadership task is value creation for shareholders and stakeholders. The needs and values of strategic leaders shape their vision to create (or destroy) value. By uncovering these drives, leaders can motivate the workplace culture to implement strategies further and faster in the organization. Managers manage from their own values but leaders have to lead a whole culture, that’s why their leaders need to have certain wherewithal. In case of this type of leadership the main value creating activity will be at the corporate level because the leaders will be the main essence and then the company employees who are engaged in different types of creative or brain storming sessions.
3M Corporation:
James Mc Nerney was the first outside leader in the company's 100-year history who focused on investment in people. Although the company leadership develops in new process, new techniques, and new growth, of all the pathways to growth, investing in people was most important. The premise is very simple as Mc Nerney expressed that if your people grow, your company will grow. The key: linking growth in individuals to those things that unlock energy and activities that our customers value. His leadership brings 3M Company back the successful pathway. Mc Nerney's maintained the delicate counterpoise not only between the company's center and its periphery but also between efficiency and innovation. Although someone who are inside and outside company suspect the progressive approaches of Mc Nerney, the success of the company in the competitive market in the United States proves the efficiency of his leadership. Before him the share price of the company fell down to $80 - $90 per share in the market and the amount of shares sold at the market fluctuated about $ 1 million a day. As a result, under his lead the company stocks price significantly increase up to $147 per share in the market and the company shares sold at the market about $6 million a day. This example clearly shows how the leaders change the company orientations and in return how did it contributed to the overall profit of the company.

Risk Management: Spotting Bubbles on Rise
Problem statement:
If an economic bubble bursts, it has a colossal impact on a country’s economy as well as others affiliated with it.
The rest of the document provides the elucidation to the problem and concrete arguments in the favor that what will transpire if the proposed elucidation is accepted.
With the constant increase in people’s needs, demands there is seen a rise in the investment behavior. Now it’s an imperative question, In which stocks should I invest or in which assets, perceptibly the creditors provides the investors with different parameters results like VaR etc. but still if through behavioral finance we envisage the mastery of bubble upsurge and then bursting we can reduce the level of risk concomitant with most of the investments. For the analysis purpose we will don that the scenario before the famous “HOUSING BUBBLE”, the financialists have predicted the signs of the burst, then what would be the effect on the industry then.
Housing bubble:
A housing bubble is a situation where there is a heightened demand for real estate, exclusively housing, that is habitually created through simulated means, such as a lowering of interest rates. The housing bubble can lead to times of economic boom, but can also end in times of economic hardships. The key is to understand what creates a housing bubble, how best to combat it and how to ease any fallout from it. (What is a housing bubble?).
Impact on industry:
We assume that investors knew that housing bubble can be burst, now let’s see the impact on the industry:
Consumer perspective:
People saving accounts will not be abridged as they will not be spending too much, due demand/ supply, the prices of the houses will not be increased more than the inflation rate. As it is artificial money, if investors are informed about the bubble then the ones who have planned for future they will change their plans and will invest in other assets this will reduce the VaR value for them. People use to buy a house and expected its price to be increased by 5-10%, this prediction will reduced their such expectations. People will start thinking in terms of long-term financing by using adjustable-rate mortgages.
State-agents perspective:
Some of the potential players like Merrill Lynch, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, what will happen to them. See they are the ones who are involved in the real estate business they knew how and where the industry is heading but their only way is to earn profit even at the sake of others value. Here again the new hype “Being Ethical”, comes. Because as citizen beside business they should guide the people but in practical they don’t. With the implementation of the prediction idea, these businesses will be at stake the most. They need to restructure their strategy, their offerings and in short their mindset towards the wellbeing of the society. We assume its U.S and we have Greenspan and Fed, what can they do? Fed could use interest rate increases as a mechanism to rein in the bubble. To maximize the impact of any rate increases, Greenspan could announce that he is targeting the housing market. He could say that he would continue to raise rates until house prices were brought back to a more normal level. This surely will get the attention of the mortgage industry and potential homebuyers. It might prevent the economic devastation which can ruin tens of millions of lives. If this requires Alan Greenspan to deviate from the standard script for Fed chairs that would be a very small price he can do it. (Dean, 2012)
Economic perspective:
If the bubble bursts, it has a huge impact on GDP and recovering it takes a huge time. This idea will prevent the country losses if the player in the bubble device ways to control or reduce its impact. Policies will be established that will encourage market-based adjustments as quickly as possible and save the country from going into too much debt which might have caused inflation. Monetary policy will become ultra-easy to encourage borrowing. When the bubble bursts, it creates unemployment, if people are timely aware of it then they can plan or secure their jobs and the employer can arrange for outplacement programs or counseling this will reduce the intangible costs associated with the unemployment. Some of the bubbles have an effect on international finance like stock market, bonds or finance. When people will be informed that their particular investment is becoming a bubble they can take out their hands from it. E.g. now a days everyone is talking about the bond market bubble, thus people should start calling off their bonds in order to save them from the huge financial crunch that will happen after it bursts and the creditors are planning ways to stop it from bursting or either reduce its impact.
Construction industry:
One of the major players affected by housing bubble is the construction companies. Now let’s see from their perspective in what ways they will be beneficial:
1. They will not take future contracts because if their customer is under the debt he/she will not pay him his fees.
2. They can insure their already taken contracts before it’s too late.
3. When the customers will not pay them, their revenues will be reduced and they will not be able to fulfill their liabilities. But if they are informed early either they can reduce their liabilities or do as the southwest airlines did in their 90’s financial crunch; they reduced their employees’ salaries and promised them to pay back in future, this type of strategy will help them retain their good employees and their confidence.
Domino effect:
As a general rule, it is almost impossible to buy a house, or to have one built, without a loan: the sums concerned are too important for a household to be able to pay in full. So if there are difficulties in housing construction, they are bound to have effects on the financial sector. Institutions (specialized or not) grant these loans, with as "surety" the house that has been sold (mortgage). These institutions can in their turn borrow from others, which "refinance” them. The first financial danger lies there, the "domino effect": if these institutions, enticed by higher interest rates, have authorized these loans in a laxest way to not very solvent households, at the least difficulty these households will default on their obligations. If they are very numerous to do so, the lending institution will collapse and it can take down with it the institution that refinanced it. The domino effect could even affect banks which do not grant mortgage loans, because banks lend to each other: if a bank has serious difficulties in real estate, another bank which does not could in its turn become suspect, if it had lent a lot of money to the first bank, which would perhaps not be able to repay it (Johsua, 2007). As mentioned early that financial players in it only if they are early informed by the situation they can handle the issue mentioned because prevention is better and easiest then cure and also stich in time saves nine.
Value creation: Value creation will be done by sanctioning properties for residential, commercial and industrial uses, master planning and permitting for future communities, marketing of higher and better use properties, providing alternate solution during the burst, doing the counseling of employees. Telling them whatever is right, practicing ethics as an integral part of business, aligning the real estate strategy with broader business strategies, reducing costs and headcount, optimizing overgrown portfolios with grossly underutilized assets, and the using enterprise real estate solution to support decision-making

Works Cited
 The End of Leadership--at Least As We Know It! (2012, 10 05). Retrieved 3 7, 2013, from Forbes:
 Chen, D. S. (2006, 11). Ledership Styles and organizational structural configuration. Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning.
 Dean, B. (2012, 01 11). The US housing bubble: What Greenspan should have done. Retrieved 03 12, 2013, from Al-jazera:
 Gamble, W. (2011, 12 26). Effects of Forclosures After Real Estates Bubble Burst in Emerging Markets. Retrieved 03 14, 2013, from Seeking alpha:
 Heskett, J. (2012). Can the "Leadership Industry" Fulfill Its Promise? Harward Business Review.
 Johsua, I. (2007, 10 31). The bursting of the American housing bubble. Retrieved 3 14, 2013, from International View Point:
 Lim, M., Griffiths, G., & Sambrook, S. (2010). The Hierarchy- Community Phenotype Model of Organizational Structur.
 MERRIAM, D. (2009, 11 30). Cause of the Housing Bubble, Burst and Recession Revealed: It's Growth Managemen. Retrieved 03 14, 2013, from Planetizrn:
 What is a housing bubble? (n.d.). Retrieved 03 13, 2013, from Wise GEEK:
 William B. Werther, J., & L.Kerr, J. (n.d.). Shifting Sands of Competative Advantage. Harward Business School.

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