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Brief Summary Of William Bonin's First Murder

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William Bonin was born in Connecticut in January of 1947. He was born second of three brothers, his father a compulsive gambler. Bonin’s mother, was an alcoholic along with his father and most of the time left her children in the care of their Grandfather who was a convicted child molester. The children were so neglected the Bonin was put in a orphanage at age 5 and stayed there until age 9. A year after he left, Bonin at the age of 10 was arrested for stealing license plates, and ended up in a juvenile detention center for other minor crimes that he committed. In his teen years when lived with his mother, happened to be the time William Bonin began to molest younger children, just like his Grandfather. He graduated from high school in 1965 …show more content…
The young men were brought into his Chevrolet Camper Van, where they would be overpowered, and bound by hand and foot. Once they were bound they would be sexually assaulted, tortured, stabbed or battered to death, although they were usually killed by strangulation with their own t-shirts, as this was Bonin’s most known way of killing. The victims were usually killed inside his van, then discarded alongside multiple freeways in Southern California. The first murder William Bonin was ever charged with was a 13 year old hitchhiker named Thomas Glen Lundgren. the autopsy showed that Lundgren suffered emasculation and bludgeoning to his face and head. He had also been slashed across the throat, stabbed then strangled to death. On this murder Bonin had the help Of Vernon Butts, who will also continue to help Bonin on several other murders along with Everett Fraser, and Gregory Miley. Even though the killing violated William Bonin’s parole and should have sent him back to jail an administrative error resulted in him being released. Two months after the murder of Thomas Lundgren, came Mark Shelton abducted at age 17 and died August 4, 1979, his body was discarded in San Bernardino County. The following are other killings he

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