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British Army Rank


Submitted By utongnapink
Words 540
Pages 3
Solider Ranks
While on Phase 1 of training, soldiers will be stated as recruits.
Private [PTE]
When Phase 1 training is completed, new soldiers will begin at the rank of Private where particular title are different depending on Corps or Regiment.
Lance Corporal & Lance Bombardier [L/Cpl][L/Bdr]
A promotion as a Lance Corporal will be given after Phase 2 training or after 3 years of service as a Private Soldier. It is their obligation to handle a section with team of four soldiers and they will be given an opportunity to carry out a specialist training.
Corporal & Bombardier [Cpl][Bdr]
They are given a command to have more soldiers and equipment such as tanks, guns and grenade.
Sergeant [Sgt]
Sergeant rank is responsible with the senior role and Sergeant rank takes 12 years depending on a soldier’s ability and it is the second in command of troops or squad of 35 soldiers.
Staff/Colour Sergeant [S/Sgt][C/Sgt]
Staff or Colour Sergeant are command with over 120 soldiers or numbers of troops or platoon.
Warrant Officer Class 2 [WO2]
It is the second senior rank in the British Army that are involve with training, welfare and discipline of an organisation, troops of over 120 soldiers. They act as a senior mentor to major command of sub-unit and soldiers have an opportunity to be chosen for commission as an officer.
Warrant Officer Class 1 [WO1]
Highest Rank in the British Army that takes 18 years of service to be able to get this rank. They are the senior advisor of a unit commanding officer that has responsibilities with the discipline, leadership and welfare of 650 soldiers and officers.

Officer Ranks
Officer Cadet [OCDT]
Officer Cadet is placed throughout the officer training.
Second Lieutenant [2Lt]
First rank are placed during the commission and takes placed for 2 years.
Lieutenant [Lt]
It takes place around 3 years while on taking command of a troop with 30 soldiers.
Captain [Capt]
Captain are the second in command of a sub unit with over 120 soldiers and are responsible with the operations on the ground, equipment area, logistic support and man power.
Major [Maj]
Major take place after 8 years of service as a soldier and they are responsible with the sub unit of over 120 soldiers with training, welfare and administration at the camp and operations.
Lieutenant Colonel [Lt Col]
It holds over 650 soldiers with 5 sub-units as well as responsible with the total of operational effectiveness of the unit by military ability, welfare and discipline.
Colonel [Col]
It is the lowest rank which are the operational advisers to senior officers.
Brigadier [Brig]
They command a brigade.
Major General [Maj Gen]
They command divisions and take over in senior staff appointments at the Ministry of Defense and other headquarters.
Lieutenant General [Lt Gen]
They command formation of corp size and other commands within the UK and overseas as well as takes over with the appointments at the Ministry of Defense and other headquarters.
General [Gen]
They take over with the senior appointments such as Chief of Defense, Vice Chief of Defense, Staff, Chief of General Staff, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Commander in Chief Land Forces.

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