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Budget Deficit In The United States

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Throughout the past, the United States has operated under a budget deficit. A budget deficit is the amount of money which the government has to raise by borrowing or by emitting banknotes, also known as currency emission, in order to makeup for the shortfall in tax revenues. Due to spending more money than they have, the United States has racked up billions of dollars in national debt. The national debt is one of the most important public policy issues that America faces today. Ideally, national debt was meant to aid in the long-term growth and expansion of a country. However, because of continuous overspending, the United States is at risk of significant reductions in economic growth and high public debt. High public debt threatens to drive …show more content…
We came to the conclusion that Amtrak’s services are not used extensively which raises the question, if the government is going to invest millions of dollars, shouldn’t profitability be one of their many concerns? One group member disagreed and argued that when we are talking about a “public good” profitability should be the last thing we should be worried about. For example the military is no where near profitable, however, it is considered a method of defense which can also be considered a public good. Although that may the the case for public goods, Amtrak is not a public good because people can be excluded from the benefits of Amtrak and in some cases one person's consumption can take away from another's if enough tickets are sold. This year the United states voted to cut passenger railway investment by more than “$250 million from the $1.4bn invested last year” Amtrak warned that “...without increased investment, the nation’s crumbling rail infrastructure would be ‘vulnerable to a bigger, costlier and far more damaging failure than anything yet seen’.” Americans prefer other transportation methods other than train travel because of the long period of time it takes travelers to reach their destination. Also, traveling long distances on the train is not desirable for the average American. In addition, majority of U.S citizens …show more content…
The arts only provide us with entertainment and pleasure and has no major contribution to the economy or improving the quality of life,. We all agreed and believed that although historical and cultural venues funded by the government are vital to preserving our country's cultural integrity and preserving the historic awareness of our society, they should not rely solely on federal funding to maintain their open doors There should be some effort made on their part to sustain and generate revenue on their own by way of state and local funding, corporate donors and even charging admission

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