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Bullying Essay


Submitted By littlekatstar2
Words 500
Pages 2
Bullying Essay
Bullying is not a case anybody wants to experience in their life. Believe it or not – I’ve been a victim of this sort of case before. Bullying is not something to joke about; it’s a very serious case. People, of all sorts, get bullied because they have their own disabilities, disorders, or weaknesses. If you ask me, it’s ridiculous! Why do people bully others for being different and expressing themselves out toward the world, nobody knows…
Maybe these people feel empowered and have an ambition to make other feel less about themselves so that they can feel more about themselves. For instance, a friend of mines, let’s call her ‘Alex’, was always picked on in a Christian school for expressing her ideas and was marked at the ‘Under-lord’s daughter’ because she has different tastes in music and different types of clothing – trying her best to stand out. She felt uneasy and unwelcomed with the girls around her that disrespected and hurt her (emotionally, of course). Now, you may think that I’m talking about myself since I admitted I was bullied before, but no, my story is a little different. I was almost bullied for no reason.
5th Grade was the hardest year for me, being preteens and getting ready for middle school. I used to be an outgoing and happy-go-lucky girl until 5th grade popped up for me… I was immediately judged as I stepped in the room with my striped purple shirt and baggy jeans and right away nobody liked me. Every day I was picked on because I wasn’t “pretty” or “popular”, I was just the outcast. It really struck me hard; I would get into deep depression and cry almost every night to sleep. My grades were affected because I couldn’t think straight; I would always sit there while the rest of the world mocked me. My mother got abusive with me, hitting me, only because I didn’t get the grades that were expected. Now you see the chain going on,

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