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Bullying Laws Worsen The Cause

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Bullying Laws Worsen the Cause
“Strict Anti-bullying Laws Could Actually Make Matters Worse” reports that “Following the 1999 Columbine High School massacre, an event blamed partly on the bullying of the two shooters, 48 states enacted strict anti-bullying laws…Despite such an aggressive approach, however, the problem has not disappeared.” The United States’ battle against bullying has been ineffective, even though anti-bullying laws have been enacted. As school personnel, researchers, and parents can understand, the solution to bullying does not pertain to anti-bullying laws. Instead, schools should rely more on effective ways to stop all cases of bullying, such as prevention programs, policies, rules, and research supported remedies. Using …show more content…
These methods were introduced when the awareness of bullying arose. Since then, the programs and the policies have been researched, tested, and are proven more effective than the anti-bullying laws. Chris Zimny, a violence prevention coordinator for Safe and Drug Free Schools and the Olweus district chairman, reports that “‘In 2012, [the American states] were above the national average, and ever since that time we have been below the national average’ for reported instances of bullying… Since then, the percentage of students reporting that they were bullied two or three times a month or more, in the past month dropped by about 38.3 percent” (Curtis). Schools need to recognize programs as a huge benefit in their battle against bullying, especially when they have them at their disposal. In knowing that the use of these programs are effective, schools need to use “Olweus, which costs about $1,500, is paid for by school districts, parent groups federal grants or private foundations. Many consider it a worthy investment including schools in California and Virginia, which saw an average 15 percent decrease in bullying after one year” (Tyre). From the article, Olweus’s worth has been proven to be sufficient. Why do schools rely on laws that negatively affect young innocent lives even though they have Olweus as an option? Having to deal with bullying is not an easy problem that cannot be dealt by only one person. Experts believe that exposing more people to prevention is needed to end the problem. Sam Chaltain, author of American Schools: The Art of Creating a Democratic Learning Community, said, “ ‘Like any democratic environment, a school community should have civic ground rules that govern personal behavior. That will help kids understand what is acceptable to say and do so they can become their own anti-bullying program’ ” (Tyre). Schools that have rules are the most advantageous in leading

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