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Business Writing Portafolio


Submitted By ricalun
Words 590
Pages 3
Core competencies are those activities that are critical to a business achieving competitive advantage. Senior management cannot focus on all activities of a business and the competencies required undertaking them. So the goal is for management to focus attention on competencies that really affect competitive advantage. School of Business (SOB) it would important to divide the goals that they want to achieve and treat them as separate. For example, the finance department should develop goals to make the program better for the students. Every major program should develop little attainable goals in order to make school better as a whole. The school should create alliances with other business schools in the area and see what are their weaknesses and what can they do to make them better. Big companies could create job opportunities as well as sponsor programs that would incentive students to attend to East Central. In my opinion creating more online courses would be a plus for the school. This would create an opportunity for students that work far away from campus to access the classes. Also scholarship could be an incentive for students to come join the school of business. Current students also could be rewarded for their grades in some kind of way. In the long run they should try to create bigger master programs as well as advising centers that will help students start at a good job. Those are some of the initiatives the school should pursue in the long run. As the article says, one of the most important things in today’s economy is to look at the future. Financial advisor have the job of predicting what is the future going to be like in a couple of years as well as in the long run. Today the school of business serves local students as well as students from near towns. In the future they could be able to increase the number of international students and out of state

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