Premium Essay

Buying Motives


Submitted By Cojones813
Words 1069
Pages 5
To: National Toy Manufacturer
From: Marketing, Inc.
Date: September 3, 2012
Subject: New line of Educational Toys for kids aged 7-9
Marketing, Inc. has been hired to create a new line of educational toys for kids aged 7-10 years old. Marketing, Inc. will help National Toy Manufacturer (NTM) develop a marketing communication plan for the new educational toys. For Marketing, Inc. and NTM to be successful, Marketing, Inc. will focus on two key areas, demographics and psychographics of the target population. It is often stated that while demographics determine consumers’ needs for products (e.g., males and females need and buy different products) and the ability to buy them (e.g., income), psychographics explain buyers’ purchase decisions and the choices they make within the buying options available to them (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2010). Marketing, Inc. will use age and income as its two demographics and buying motives and values as its two psychographics for this marketing communication plan.
Demographics offer four reasons why they are the core to almost all segmentations; (1) demographics are easy to classify people and can be measured more precisely than other segmentation basis; (2) cost effective way to locate and reach specific segments because most of the secondary data compiled about any population is based on demographics; (3) demographics enable marketers to identify business opportunities enabled by shifts in populations’ age, income or geographic location; and (4) many consumption behaviors, attitudes, and media exposure patterns are directly related to demographics (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2010). For Example, TV shows and Radio shows are often gender specific and the programs often target a certain age which make these a valuable avenue to hit a target audience.

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