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Byzantine Diplomacy


Submitted By alardey
Words 463
Pages 2
Byzantine diplomacy drew its neighbors into a network of international and interstate relations, controlled by the empire itself. [5] This process revolved around treaty making. Byzantine historian Evangelos Chrysos postulates a three-layered process at work: 1) the new ruler was welcomed into the family of kings,
2) there was an assimilation of Byzantine social attitudes and values, 3) as a formalization of the second layer of the process, there were laws. [6]
In order to drive this process, the Byzantines availed themselves of a number of mostly diplomatic practices. For example, embassies to Constantinople would often stay on for years. A member of other royal houses would routinely be requested to stay in Constantinople, not only as a potential hostage, but also as a useful pawn in case political conditions where he came from changed. Another key practice was to overwhelm visitors by sumptuous displays. Constantinople's riches served the state's diplomatic purposes as a means of propaganda, and as a way to impress foreigners. [7] When Liutprand of Cremona was sent as an ambassador to the Byzantine capital, he was overwhelmed by the imperial residence, the luxurious meals, and acrobatic entertainment. Special care was taken to stimulate as many of the senses in as high degree as possible: brightly lit things to see, terrifying sounds, tasty food; even the diplomatic set-piece of having barbarians standing around the throne wearing their native gear. [8]
The fact that Byzantium in its dealings with the barbarians generally preferred diplomacy to war is not surprising. For the
East Romans, faced with the ever-present necessity of having to battle on two fronts — in the east against Persians , Arabs and
Turks , in the north against the Slavs and the steppe nomads — knew from personal experience how expensive war is both in money and manpower. [1] The Byzantines were skilled at using diplomacy as a weapon of war. If the Bulgars threatened, subsidies could be given to the Kiev Rus . A Rus threat could be countered by subsidies to the Patzinaks . If the Patzinaks proved troublesome, the Cumans or Uzès could be contacted. There was always someone to the enemy’s rear in a position to appreciate the emperor's largesse. Another innovative principle of Byzantine diplomacy was effective interference in the internal affairs of other states. In 1282, Michael VIII sponsored a revolt in
Sicily against Charles of Anjou called the Sicilian Vespers .
Emperor Heraclius once intercepted a message from Persian rival Khosrau II which ordered the execution of a general.
Heraclius added 400 names to the message and diverted the messenger, provoking a rebellion by those on the list. The emperor maintained a stable of pretenders to almost every foreign throne. These could be given funds and released to wreak havoc if their homeland threatened attack. [3

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