Premium Essay

Camping Life


Submitted By Mavdixon23
Words 449
Pages 2
Maverick Dixon
I am aware that in England camping is not very common. Camping in America is a common tradition and a love for many families. My family enjoys camping so much that we spend summers down at the campground sitting around a fire and making small talk. Camping is such a great experience and if my family could camp year long, they would. My family has a 29 foot trailer camper filled with dishes, televisions, a couch, beds, a shower, snacks, and other camping necessities. Usually when people think of camping, they think of a little tent in the middle of nowhere on the cold, hard ground held up by a few week poles, but that is not how it’s usually done. In America, we have beautiful campgrounds set up all around the country that you reserve certain spots for a chosen amount of weeks. When the camping date comes, you hook up your vehicle to the camper and haul it to your camping destination. What I love about camping is finally arriving to the campground and checking in at the front desk. You are always greeted with a warm southern welcome and are always told to enjoy your stay. You can hear the sincerity in the campground worker’s voice. There’s something about the camping community. Almost all campers across America are polite warm-welcoming. After check-in, families hop back into their vehicle and are off to their reserved camping site. When driving to the site you have reserved, more campers and friendly people will smile and give you a nice wave. After arriving at the reserved spot, families unpack their vehicles full of coolers filled with ice and cold drinks, comfy clothes, and unhealthy food. Once everything is carried into the camper and the vehicle is empty, the camping experience truly begins. Wood is placed into the fire pit, food is thrown on the grill, and lawn chairs are placed right outside the camper. The sound of

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