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Submitted By cain19
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Pages 2
Work-Life Balance
“In recent time, there has been an upsurge in the consideration of the pressures that work has on family as well as life of employees.” (Nwagbara, 2012) The theory of having a work-life balance can be considered an oxymoron. As Bell (2011) stated, it is an odd phrase; implying that work is different from life. Even with today’s technological advances, there is no real balance because “Every leader wants workers who are like warriors -- passionate, committed, focused, and go the extra mile to get superior results.” (Bell, 2012) Those who telecommute are still expected to produce at or above the standard they would be if they went into the office. This constant level of work related stress and overload, the job is usually brought home.
Corporate Culture
“The often unspoken beliefs and values that determine the way an organization does things, the atmosphere that exists within it and the way people who work for it behave.” (2006) It is well stated in the Dictionary of Business that “The culture of an organization is often summed up as “the way we do things around here”. “Once established, organizational cultures often perpetuate themselves in a number of ways.” (Kotter, p3). Issues within organizations must be properly managed and developed to ensure the ideals of the organization are legal, ethical and moral.
Social Justice
“The primary ethical value that is served by sustainability is social justice, in particular, the value of avoiding unjust exploitation.” Social justice is defined as a standard of fairness in the society. The ideals and foundations of social justice and its supplemental theories are seeded from the “Marxist emphasis upon class and economic relationships with the inclusion of multiple axes of social differentiation.” (2009)

Works Cited
Bell, C. R. (2012). Work-life balance. Leadership Excellence, 29(4), 16-17. Retrieved from corporate culture. (2006). In Dictionary of Business. Retrieved from
Erickson, J. A. (2008). Corporate culture. Professional Safety, 53(11), 35-38. Retrieved from
Heskett, J; Kotter, J. Corporate Culture and Performance, The Free Press, New York, NY
Morton, W. (2011). Sustainability and social justice. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(16), n/a. Retrieved from social justice. (2009). In The Dictionary of Human Geography. Retrieved from

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