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Caring for Children with Adhd


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Caring for Children with ADHD

Carrie Pernitza


Prof. Mallory Dunkley

November 30, 2015

Caring for Children with ADHD

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. ADHD has been a recognized disorder for over 50 years. There are three different types of ADHD. The disorder affects both males and females. ADHD does not affect intellectual ability, individuals with this disorder are just as smart as others.

Doctors and researchers are still not sure why some people have ADHD. Researchers show that the disorder of ADHD probably genetic and that it may be inherited. Scientists are also exploring other things that may be associated with ADHD. It is usually first diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood. ADHD is more common in kids who are born premature.
The disorder affects both the females and the males. Experts have thought that ADHD occurs in three times as many boys as girls. Recently however, boys are more hyperactive then girls would be with this disorder. Hyperactive boys tend to be referred for evaluation somewhere between ages five and seven, and where girls sometimes goes undiagnosed due to it not being fully detectable in females.

The three different subtypes of ADHD are predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, predominantly inattentive, or combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive. Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive symptoms could be fidgety or squirms in a still position, runs and climbs when they are not supposed to, talks a lot, and interrupts and intrudes others while they are speaking. Predominantly inattentive symptoms could be unfinished work if they are in school or at work, always making careless mistakes, loses homework or important paper work and books, and having problems paying attention. If both types fit the diagnoses it’s combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive disorder.

Treatments can relieve many of the disorder’s symptoms. For a child to be diagnosed for ADHD, the child or adult has to have the symptoms for 6 or more months before the doctor can diagnose the child or adult. Certain medicines can help people with ADHD by improving their focus and attention and reducing their impulsiveness and hyperactivity.

Taking these medications does not cure ADHD. They do help control the symptoms for a long period of time, only if you’re taking the medications regularly as the doctor suggests. Adding behavioral therapy, counseling, and practical support can help the children who have ADHD and their families to better with everyday problems. The most common side effects of taking any of these prescribed medications, is a decrease in their appetite, sleeping problems, anxiety, and irritability. Some children also will report mild stomachaches or headaches. Most of the side effects are mild and sometimes will disappear over time and if not the doctor will lower the dosage level of the medication.

With ADHD there are some diets that may minimize the effects of the disorder. For instance a child with ADHD should be eating a fish twice a week and avoid high mercury fish. Also a doctor could perform a vitamin analysis to see what supplements a child may be lacking. It is important for a child to take vitamins and minerals on a daily basis especially one with ADHD. Eating organic foods without all of the pesticides are also beneficial to a child with ADHD for better brain function. Just taking some of these steps may help your child focus, control their impulses, and succeed better in school.

Children with ADHD also exhibit mental and emotional health issues, including low self-esteem. Self-esteem is important because it helps children feel proud of who they are and what they do. Some of the symptoms exhibited with these issues are walking with their head down, not asking any questions at home or school, lack of goals and ambition, struggling to get out of bed, and does not try new things in fear of looking foolish and failing. All this means children with ADHD often feel badly about themselves. They might think they're stupid, naughty, bad or a failure. Not surprisingly, their self-esteem takes a battering and they find it hard to think anything positive or good about their self.

There are ways of improving your child’s self-esteem. Praise and rewards whenever possible. Your child needs to know that no matter what you will love and trust them. Set tiny goals that are easily achieved and watch the confidence level rise. Choosing sports or a hobby depending on your child’s interest can help build self-esteem. Having your child focus on the positive like writing things down that they like about themselves and placing it somewhere they can see it on a daily basis.

Getting and giving criticism in children with ADHD. There are times where it is necessary, but children with this disorder aren’t good at accepting, or giving it nicely. How you give criticism is important. Criticism is another part of making your child feels loved: sarcastic, negative comments can undo all your hard work to be encouraging. If you want to teach your child how to accept criticism, you need to give it in a constructive way. This means being calm, not angry, and focusing on the behavior you want to change instead of criticizing your child.


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