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Carolina Forest

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Community, District, and School Factors
Carolina Forest is an unincorporated town located in Myrtle Beach, which lies in northeast South Carolina in Horry County. The Carolina Forest region consists of residential zones, with a large number of subdivisions. However there are also outlets, golf courses, and shopping centers that residents can enjoy. Carolina Forest is one of the fastest growing areas of not only Horry County, but also the state of South Carolina. The 2010 Census shows that the population of Carolina Forest has grown from 3,400 people in 2000 to 21,000 in 2010, and the area has undoubtedly grown even larger in the last five years.
Carolina Forest High School is one of the largest high schools in the state of South Carolina, and …show more content…
Some of these aspects include an area to pick-up papers, an area to turn-in papers, class rules, the bell schedule, and the daily and weekly agenda. The classroom is arranged in a stadium style so that every class can see the board. The class is designed for students to learn through a combination of lecture, activities, PowerPoint, and technology. Every student in Carolina Forest High School is issued a Dell Venue, which is a personal computer/tablet that they use for nearly every class in some aspect. Rather than issuing every student a textbook to take home, the class has a set of books that stays in the room. However, with the growing use of technology these books are rarely …show more content…
There is a large variation in the class size with 28 students in first block, 28 students in second block, and 27 students in third block. Most of the students in these classes are sophomores, with a handful of juniors. The average age of the class is from 15-16 years old. This is the first time most of these students have taken Modern World History, though some students have previously taken the class with another teacher and failed.
The classes seem to be very diverse in race, ethnicity, and gender. For all three classes, there are a total of 4 students that have Individualized Education Plans (IEP) or 504 behavioral modification plans. On one of the first few days of the new semester the students were given a pre-test to measure their prior knowledge of the material that will be covered in this course. The average score on the pre-test was about 34%, with a low score of 28% and a high score of 82%. However it should be noted that the 82% was scored by a student who failed this course with coach Schildts the previous semester.


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Greenpeace and Palm Oil

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