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Carter Cleaning Company


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Selasa, 14 Mei 2013 artikel lengkap, contoh rumus fungsi excel lengkap, materi pelajaran, mudah murah lengkap simple, pengertian definisi ringkasan contoh lengkap fungsi rumus formula excel microsoft, tutorial mudah, wow
Rumus Fungsi Microsoft Excel Lengkap Contoh dan Penjelasan
Inilah 31 bahkan lebih contoh contoh serta penjelasan rumus ( formula ) dan fungsi ( function ) secara lengkap dan singkat yang biasanya digunakan pada microsoft excel ddari versi 2007 sampai 2010. Fungsi ini secara acak ada fungsi text , fungsi logika , fungsi tabel , dan lain lain. Untuk yang belum tau apa itu rumus dan fungsi excel klik Pengertian Contoh Fungsi Rumus Excel Lengkap Microsoft.
Inilah :

1. Fungsi VALUE digunakan untuk merubah nilai value menjadi nilai text, penulisannya : =VALUE(text)

2. Fungsi FIND digunakan untuk menghasilkan posisi substring dari sebuah string atau suatu nomor yang dicari,penulisannya : =FIND(cari text,pada text,mulai nomor)

3. Fungsi MID digunakan untu mengambil karakter tertentu dari sederet karakter, penulisannya : =MID(text,posisi awal,jumlah karakter)

4. Fungsi REPLACE digunakan untuk menggantikan substring dengan substring lain dalam sebuah string (sederetan karakter atau karakter),, penulisan : = REPLACE (…)

5. Fungsi CONCATENATE digunakan untuk menggabungkan string menjadi satu kalimat maksimal 30 string, penulisannya =CONCATENATE(text1,text2,…)

6. Fungsi MAX
Digunakan untuk mencari nilai tertinggi dari sekumpulan data, penulisannya : =MAX(number1,number2,…)

7. Fungsi STEDEV
Digunakan untuk menentukan standart devisiasi dari suatu range, penulisannya : =STEDEV(number1,number2,…)

8. Fungsi VAR
Digunakan untuk menentukan nilai varience dari suatu range, penulisannya : =VAR(number1,number2,…)

9. Fungsi LEFT
Fungsi ini digunakan untuk mendapatkan hasil beberapa huruf paling kiri. Text di sini merujuk kepada text yang akan diambil. Bisa berupa nilai sel ataupun langsung diketikkan textnya di situ, tapi dengan menambahkan tanda petik dua (") di awal dan di akhir text.
Rumusnya sangat simpel.

10. Fungsi RIGHT
Fungsi ini adalah kebalikan dari fungsi LEFT, yaitu mengambil beberapa karakter yang dimulai dari kanan. Rumusnya mirip sekali dengan fungsi LEFT yaitu:

11. Fungsi LEN
Fungsi ini digunakan untuk menghitung jumlah karakter yang ada di dalam sebuah text. Rumusnya adalah:

12. Fungsi UPPER
Fungsi ini akan membuat semua text yang ada di sel menjadi huruf besar semua. penulisannya:
= UPPER(text)

13. Fungsi LOWER
Fungsi ini kebalikan dari fungsi UPPER, yaitu menjadikan huruf kecil semua. penulisannya:

14. Fungsi PROPER
Fungsi ini akan membuat teks menjadi huruf besar di karakter pertama di setiap kata. Penulisannya:

15. Fungsi BAHTTEXT Mengubah angka ke dalam bentuk teks. Namun hanya beberapa saja yang dapat di rubah. Penulisan : =TTEXT(…)

16. Fungsi FACT Menyatakan faktorial dari suatu bilangan. Penulisan : =FACT(…)

17. Fungsi GCD Menyatakan pembagi umum terbesar. Penulisan : =GCD(number1, number2,…)

18. Fungsi LN Menyatakan logaritma natural dari suatu bilangan. Penulisan : =LN(number)

19. Fungsi RAND Menyatakan jumlah real secara acak merata lebih besar dari atau sama dengan 0 dan kurang dari 1. Sebuah bilangan real baru secara acak akan diperlihatkan setiap kali lembar kerja dihitung. Penulisan : =RAND(…)

20. Fungsi CEILING Menyatakan jumlah pembulatan, jauh dari nol, ke kelipatan terdekatnya. Penulisan : =CEILING(…)

21. Fungsi SQRT Untuk menghitung akar dari bilangan yang positif tidak boleh negatif. Penulisan : =SQRT(…)

22. Fungsi INT (number) Untuk pembulatan angka ke bawah dari suatu nilai integer / bulat. Penulisan : =INT(number)

23. Fungsi CHAR Untuk menyatakan karakter yang telah ditentukan menggunakan suatu kode angka. Penulisan : Syntax =CHAR(number)

24. Fungsi SUM :
Digunakan untuk menjumlahkan sekumpulan data pada satu range, penulisannya : =SUM(number1,number2,..)

25. Fungsi AVERAGE :
Digunakan untuk mencari nilai rata-rata, penulisannya :

26. Fungsi MIN:
Digunakan untuk mencari nilai terendah dari sekumpulan data, penulisannya : =MAX(number1,number2,…)

27. Fungsi HLOOKUP : digunakan untuk membaca tabel / range secara horizontal, penulisannya :

28. Fungsi VLOOKUP : digunakan untuk membaca tabel / range secara vertikal (VLOOKUP), penulisanya :

29. Fungsi / Function COUNTIF : digunakan untuk menghitung jumlah cell dalam suatu range dengan ciri-ciri / kriteria tertentu. Penulisannya : =COUNTIF(range;kriteria).
Misal : menghitung jumlah siswa yang tidak lulus ujian /remidi. =COUNTIF(D1:D45;”remidi”) maka dari contoh tadi keterangan siswa berada di range D1 sampai D45 dimana keterangannya remidi. Jadi, hasilnya adalah total siswa yang remidi.

30. Fungsi AND :
Fungsi AND menghasilkan nilai TRUE jika semua argument yang di uji bernilai BENAR dan akan bernilai FALSE jika semua atau salah satu argument bernilai SALAH. Penulisan pada gambar ini.
Misal : Peserta ujian dinyatakan lulus jika nilai ujian teori dan praktik masing-masing harus di atas 7, jika kurang dari 7 maka dinyatakan gagal.

31. Fungsi NOT :
Fungsi not kebalikan dari fungsi AND, yakni menghasilkan TRUE jika kondisi yang di uji SALAH dan FALSE jika kondisi yang di uji BENAR
Penulisan : =NOT(argument)

Yap, dengan bangga saya @devara_vieo share posting 31 rumus formula dan fungsi function contoh penjelasan dan definisi serta pengertian rumus fungsi pada microsoft excel tadi. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya dan dukung kami melalui kotak komentar blog blogger Boo Boo Wow dibawah serta SPONSOR kami. Be success !

: [] fx x <~ contoh contoh penjelasan fungsi function dan rumus rumus microsoft excel lengkap ringkasan materi TIK microsoft ms. ms EXCEL Excel 2003 Excel excel 2007 excel 2010 lengkap contoh contoh lengkap singkat rangkuman ringkasan materi TIK bab fungsi function formula lengkap pada mincrosoft ms. ms excel 2007 2010 contoh contoh penjelasan rumus rumus formula dan fungsi fungsi function microsoft ms excel 2007 2010 beserta penjelasan ringkasan lengkap rumus fungsi teks text rumus fungsi function tabel rumus formula recently used math trig trigonometri logical fungsi rumus logika finansial date and time ~> fx x [] * DipoHome * Sitemap * Link Exchange * Contact Us
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Home / Computer / Jenis Formula Yang Sering Digunakan Dalam Microsoft Excel
Jenis Formula Yang Sering Digunakan Dalam Microsoft Excel
Posted by dika euphrosyne Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013 40 komentar

Jenis Formula Yang Sering Digunakan Dalam Microsoft Excel - Pada aplikasi Excel disediakan berbagai jenis formula. Tentu saja, anda tidak akan menggunakan semua jenis formula tersebut. Oleh karena itu, pada artikel saya kali ini hanya akan membahas beberapa jenis formula yang sering digunakan dalam Microsoft Excel. Langsung saja simak penjelasan dibawah ini :

A. Formula untuk Penjumlahan (Sum)
Operasi penjumlahan digunakan untuk mengetahui nilai total dari sekelopok dara. Perintah untuk operasi penjumlahan adalah =SUM (range data). Operasi penjumlahan dapat dilakukan secara vertikal maupun horizontal. Untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan data berikut.

Dari gambar di atas, pada sel B7, ketikkan formula =SUM(B5:B7) dan tekan enter. Secara otomatis, Excel akan langsung menjumlahkan data tersebut. Anda dapat melakukan hal yang sama pada sel C8, D8 dst. Akan tetapi, untuk mempermudahkan anda, formula tersebut dapat anda copy dan paste, atau menarik ujung kanan bawah sel B8. Secara otomatis, formula akan menjumlahkan data tersebut.

B. Formula untuk Mencari Rata-rata (Average)
Seperti yang anda ketahui sebelmnya, bahwa untuk mencari nilai rata-rata dari sekelompok data menggunakan formula =Average (Range data). Seperti halnya formula penjumlahan, formula untuk mencari rata-rata juga dapat digunakan secara vertikal maupun horisontal.

C. Formula untuk Mencari Nilai Maksimum dan Minimum
Untuk mencari nilai tertinggi atau maksimum, anda dapat menggunakan formula =MAX(range data. Adapun untuk mencari nilai terendah atau minimum dengan menggunakan formula =MIN(range data). Sebagai contoh seperti pada gambar dibawah :

Nilai maxsimum dapat dicari dengan menuliskan formula =MAX(C4:C13) dan nilai minimum dapat dicari seperti pada gambar diatas yaitu dengan menuliskan formula =MIN(C4:C13).

D. Formula IF
Fungsi IF digunakan untuk menguji apakah suatu syarat sudah terpenuhi (kondisi benar), atau apakah syarat tersebut tidak terpenuhi (kondisi salah).
Fungsi IF terbagi menjadi 2 jenis, yaitu fungsi IF dengan syarat atau biasa disebut IF tunggal, dan fungsi IF lebih dari dua syarat.
1. Fungsi IF dengan Dua Syarat
Fungsi IF dengan dua syarat memiliki dua nilai kemungkinan dapat diselesaikan dengan satu fungsi. Bentuk umumnya adalah sebagai berikut.
=IF(Logika; [Nilai _jika_syarat_benar]; [Nilai_jika_syarat_salah]) * "Logika", merupakan nilai yang menghasilkan nilai benar (TRUE) atau salah (FALSE). Misalnya, jika terdapat pertanyaan apakah nilai pada sel A1 sama dengan nilai pada sel C1, maka secara langsung anda dapat menjawab ya atau tidak, namun dalam Excel akan diganti menjadi benar (TRUE) atau salah (FALSE). Dalam pengisian logika ini antara kondisi dan syarat harus menggunakan pembanding. * "Nilai_jika_syarat_benar", berisi nilai yang dihasilkan jika logika bernilai benar (TRUE). Untuk nilai bertipe teks, penulisan di apit dengan tanda petik ganda ("..."), sedangkan untuk tipe numerik tidak perlu diapit tanda petik ganda. * "Nilai_jika_syarat_salah", berisi nilai yang dihasilkan apabila logika bernilai salah (FALSE). Cara penulisan sama dengan Nila-jika_syarat_benar.
Sebagai contoh, misalkan anda ingin menentukan merk mobil berdasarkan kodenya, dan tempatkan hasilnya pada kolom MEREK MOBIL dengan cara isikan sel B2 kolom MEREK MOBIL dengan pernyataan "Jika KODE adalah T, maka merk mobil diisi dengan Toyota, selain itu NAMA MOBIL diisi dengan HONDA.

* Ketikkan pernyataan gambar diatas dalam bentuk seperti berikut :
=IF(A2="T"; "TOYOTA";"HONDA") * Keterangan : 1. =IF : awal pernyataan jika (if) 2. A2 : alamat sel kode 3. "T" : syarat yang harus dipenuhi 4. "TOYOTA" : nilai jika logika benar 5. "HONDA" : nilai jika logika salah

Kemudian, ketikkan rumus tersebut pada sel B2 dan tekan enter, maka akan tamoil jawaban TOYOTA, karena setelah diuji ternyata kondisi di sel A2 memenuhi syarat yaitu T, sehingga yang dijalankan adalah bagian nilai benar yaitu TOYOTA.

Selanjutnya, gunakan fasilitas fill handle yang ada di sudut kanan bawah sel B2 untuk menyalin (copy) rumus dan mengisikan sel di bawahnya, klik dan geser fill handle ke bawah hingga sel B5. Pada sel B3 akan terisi HONDA, hal ini dikarenakan setelah diuji ternyata sel A2 tidak memenuhi syarat yang ditentukan yaitu T, maka yang dijalankan adalah bagian nilai salah yaitu HONDA. Cara pembacaan yang sama juga dilakukan oleh sel berikutnya.

Dengan menggunakan fungsi IF tunggal untuk menyelesaikan 2 kondisi, maka jika terdapat kode lain yang tidak memenuhi syarat (T), akan secara otomatis dianggap sebagai nilai salah dan kolom NAMA MEREK MOBIL akan terisi dengan HONDA.

2. Fungsi IF dengan Persyaratan Lebih dari Dua
Fungsi IF kedua yang akan dibahas di dalam artikel ini adalah fungsi IF dengan lebih dari dua syarat atau biasa disebut dengan fungsi IF bertingkat. Lebih dari dua syarat disini berarti di dalam satu rumus terdapat beberapa statement IF yang memungkinkan anda untuk mengelola beberapa kondisi sekaligus.

MS-Excel 2010 memungkinkan anda untuk menggunakan sampai dengan 64 fungsi IF. Bentuk IF dengan persyaratan lebih dari dua
=IF(syarat1 ; [nilai_jika_syarat1_benar]; IF(syarat2; [nilai_jika_syarat2_benar]:........ ;[nilai_jika_semua_syarat_salah]) * Syarat1, syarat2, syarat3, .... diisi nilai atau exspresi yang dapat diuji untuk menghasilkan nilai TRUE atau FALSE. Dalam pengisian logika ini antara kondisi dan syarat harus menggunakan operator pembanding. * Nilai_jika+syarat1_benar, nilai_jika_syarat2_benar, .... adalah argumumen berisi nilai yangakan dihasilkan bila logika yang diuji benar. Jika logika yang diuji bernilai benar dan argumen ini dihilangkan, nilai TRUE yang akan ditampilkan. * Nilai_jika_syarat1_salah, nilai_jika_syarat2_salah, .... adalah argumen berisi nilai yang akan dihasilkan bila logika yang diuji bernilai salah. Jika logika yang diuji bernilai FALSE dan argumen ini dihilangkan, nilai FALSE yang akan ditampilkan.
Contoh : Menempatkan nama handphone berdasarkan kodenya, dan menempatkan hasilnya pada kolom NAMA HANDPHONE dengan cara mengisi sel B2 pada kolom NAMA HANDPHONE dengan ketentuan berikut.

* Jika KODE adalah B, maka NAMA HANDPHONE diisi dengan Blackberry * Jika KODE adalah N, maka NAMA HANDPHONE diisi dengan Nokia. * Jika KODE adalah SE, maka NAMA HANDPHONE diisi dengan dengan SonyEricsson * Selain dari kode di atas maka NAMA HANDPHONE diisi dengan Samsung * Ketikkan pernyataan diatas dalam bentuk seperti berikut: =IF(A2="B";"Blackberry";IF(A2="N";"Nokia";IF(A2="SE";"SonyEricsson";Samsung")))

Masukan rumus tersebut pada sel B2, kemudian tekan enter sehingga pada sel B2 akan tampil blackberry karena saat pengujian syarat 1 bernilai benar, seperti contoh gambar di atas.Selanjutnya tinggal menyalin rumus-rumus dari sel B3

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Kumpulan 157 Rumus Excel Lengkap
Posted: 9 Oktober 2013 in Info
Tag:kumpulan rumus excel

Microsoft Excel adalah salah satu program yang sangat familiar bagi masyarakat. Microsoft Excel bisa digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan. Diantaranya untuk pencatatan data penjualan, untuk lampiran laporan, dll. Salah satu fungsi yang paling membantu adalah penggunaan rumus rumus excel yang paling sering digunakan dalam pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan data office.
Disini saya tidak akan menjelaskan satu-persatu rumus-rumus tersebut, saya hanya share kumpulan berbagai rumus tersebut yang di dalamnya sudah ada penjelasan dan contoh-contoh aplikasinya dalam pengolahan data. Jadi tinggal buka atau download dan silakan “dinikmati” sendiri (syaratnya harus bisa Bahasa Inggris gan… ;)
Contoh Rumus Excel :



Untuk lebih lengkapnya silakan dowload disini :
Untuk membuka file ini ikuti caranya sbb :
1. Klik “function index” untuk melihat rumus-rumus yang ada

2. Klik “view” pada rumus yang akan kita pelajari, nanti anda akan menuju sheet yang ada penjelasan dan penggunaan rumus tersebut.

3. Untuk kembali ke menu utama pada kumpulan rumus, klik “indeks”

4. Silakan ulangi langkah tadi untuk melihat rumus-rumus yang lain
Semoga bermanfaat…….
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1. rdiansyah01 mengatakan:
2 Maret 2014 pukul 21.55
Kak tolong kirimin lagi dong ke alamat email
2. Henriza mengatakan:
3 Maret 2014 pukul 13.52
Nice share gan, tapi hasil download-nya banyak eror gan.….
Bisa tolong kirim filenya ke…
Balas 3. yuma mengatakan:
14 Maret 2014 pukul 11.39
Kak tolong kirimkan ke email saya ya kak… thank’s kak
4. dede mengatakan:
16 Maret 2014 pukul 01.12 please kirim ke
5. teguh wiyono mengatakan:
17 Maret 2014 pukul 21.22
Aku juga mau dong.dikirimin
6. yurika mengatakan:
18 Maret 2014 pukul 12.59 minta tolong dikirim ke alamat saya makasih
7. rozak mengatakan:
20 Maret 2014 pukul 16.24
Saya juga mau dong gan kirim kesini ya thx Balas 8. aji mengatakan:
21 Maret 2014 pukul 21.06 tolong juga kirim ke alamat email ini saya mohon
9. yusuf mengatakan:
22 Maret 2014 pukul 12.20 sungguh bermanfaat
10. fitri mengatakan:
22 Maret 2014 pukul 13.28 kaka aku minta ya rumusnya. kirim ke email aku
11. Patar Mikir mengatakan:
23 Maret 2014 pukul 10.56
Mas, tanya dong:
– cara menghitung jumnlah kolom tertentu yg kosong (empty) gmn ya?
– yg versi bahasa Indonesia ada mas?
– klo tutorial buat dokumen excel kya gtu ada mas? bisa jumping/link tab etc
* Sudiyo ST mengatakan:
25 Maret 2014 pukul 10.17
- coba pake ISBLANK
- belum ada, mau bantu translate? hehehe
- banyak, coba tanya mbah google
12. mang ayu mengatakan:
24 Maret 2014 pukul 15.31 minta izin buat copy ya kk
13. Patar Mikir mengatakan:
25 Maret 2014 pukul 14.26
Halo Mas,
Isblank nya joss sukses..
Gmn klo mas nya bikin tutorial bikin dokumen kyk gtu mas? user interactive mantap
* Sudiyo ST mengatakan:
25 Maret 2014 pukul 16.01 ide bagus, nanti kalo ada waktu :)
14. Patar Mikir mengatakan:
25 Maret 2014 pukul 16.36 ditunggu ilmu nya mas gracias! Balas
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Carter Cleaning Company

...resource management Carter Cleaning Company1 1. What would you do first if you were Jennifer? If I was Jennifer, I would have done the following things: -First thing, I would get information about the workforce, the employees, their situation and specific skills they have. I would try to find their motivations and their concerns in order to build a stronger relationship between them and my company. This first step must be develop during recruiting (one and one meeting) where I would have an overview about an applicant and see if he or she fits with the company’s goals. But Jenifer needs also to train them since her father wants the employees to do more different tasks. -Then I will set up a promotion plan so that employees’ motivation would be increase by working harder for their company. The issue is simple here; Tiffany has to deal with unskilled and unmotivated workforce who doesn’t really care about their job. So I would try to get them more involved by praising and compensating them. I would rather raise their salaries a bit more to keep them than doing many interviews that waste both time and money. -Last but not least, I would consider my employees as workers who add value to my company and service I provide and certainly not as “cost or adding charges”. This has to be one of the main matters of a human resource manager, about how to increase the employees’ value through management. I would provide to my employees clear data about the company in order to update...

Words: 1480 - Pages: 6

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Carter Cleaning Company

...Continuing Case Chapter 8 8-32: Orientation program for Carters: Carter Cleaning Company can should cover about Information on employee benefits, personnel policies, daily routine, company organization and operations, safety measures and regulations and arrange a facilities tour with the help of supervisor. As [Dessler, Gary, 2015] says successful orientation should accomplish four things for new employees, so carter cleaning company also should follow the following steps to convey information to their new employees. 1. Make them feel welcome and at ease. 2. Help them understand the organization in a broad sense. 3. Make clear to them what is expected in terms of work and behavior. 4. Help them begin the process of becoming socialized Bottom of Forminto the firm’s ways of acting and doing things. 8-33: Job Instruction sheet: As the carters want their employees to behave properly with their customers they should use a job instruction sheet. It can be like the following one. Steps | Key points | Greetings | n/a | Collecting garments | Checking the stains and damages. | Placing garments | Making sure different customer’s clothes are not mixed up. | Writing tickets and giving receipts | Ensure all the information are correct. | Saying courteous comments when the customer eaves. | n/a | 8-34: Training techniques: The pressers and cleaner-spotters should be trained using on the job trainings like Coaching / Understudy Approach. Job instruction sheet also...

Words: 350 - Pages: 2

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Carter Cleaning Company

...HRM Assignment: The Carter Cleaning Company Submitted by: Group 13 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. What to convey in the orientation The purpose of an orientation is to align the employees to the mission and values of the company. These programs are usually scheduled for the new recruits of the company but in the given scenario, an orientation program is required for all the individuals in the organization. The orientation program should be designed in a way that helps employees internalize the practices and procedures preferred by the Carters. Keeping the same as their primary objective, following will have to be conveyed during the orientation program. * The program must highlight the mission and values of the company. The employees must be made aware that their company strives to maximize customer satisfaction by offering superior service. * The program should cover the policies followed by the company. This will include the rules and regulations with regards compensation, leave procedure, health benefits etc. As attrition is a major concern, the exit policy should be clearly defined and communicated. * Also the program should cover the way an employee should behave while on duty. This would cover personal conduct rules with regard to smoking, using the telephone for personal calls etc. Also as most of the employees would be directly interacting with the customers, the program should...

Words: 928 - Pages: 4

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Carter Cleaning Company

...1. It is not true that the Carter Cleaning Company can’t be accused of being discriminatory just because they hire mostly women and minorities. Men could and majorities could feel like they are be discriminated against if that’s the case. 2. The company should take the complaint very serious. Encourage the two women to inform the manager that the conduct is not welcome. The company should issue a solid policy statement condemning such behavior and inform the employees about it. Managers and employees should be disciplined if they are involved. Keeping records of everything is very important. Lastly, the company should take steps to prevent sexual harassment. This would include communicating that the company will not tolerate sexual harassment and will take immediate action when complaints are received. 3. Develop an age discrimination policy and inform employees. Establishing a discipline program and let the employees know it will be effective immediately after a complaint. Discipline is very important to put into action. Lastly, keeping records of everything is very important. 4. If each of the six stores had five employees they are covered by equal rights. If there are 15 or more employees in the company they are covered. 5. Employer are required to post notices about the equal rights laws. There is training through the EEOC that every employee needs to go through. Keeping records of everything is very important even if it doesn’t involve a complaint. ...

Words: 258 - Pages: 2

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Carter Cleaning Company

...Carter Cleaning Company is having issues in employees’ turnover and hiring the right people for the company. Other than that, they are also heavily dependent on skilled managers, cleaner-spotter and pressers. In order to have an effective hiring campaign, Jennifer and her father need to think long term while they hiring the staffs. As it is difficult to consider who will be beneficial their company for the long haul, there are few steps to help the company to reduce the turnover in the company, such as offer skill testing, profile for temperament, show appreciation, level the workload and hold regular review sessions. Skill testing is on of the tools that will help Jennifer and her father to determine whether they have found the best fit for each position the company has open. Not only that, it also will cut down on the company’s new applicant recruitment costs. The test can be done directly through the Human Resources Department or job placement agency. A temperament profile is the other steps to reduce employees’ turnover in the company, as each job description should include a consideration of the social aspects of the job. It can help to predict which people are best suited for different types of work. Placing people with the right temperament for a particular job can go a long way toward creating stability. Many employees almost always know when they are doing a mistake yet rarely hear any appreciation when they are doing something right. Therefore, showing appreciation...

Words: 396 - Pages: 2

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Carter Cleaning Company

...CHAPTER V Carter Cleaning Company 1. First, how would you recommend we go about reducing the turnover in our stores? We have to hire more qualified employees (e.g. high school graduate). If the employee has a better education, we didn’t need not so much time for training him. If we want to hire somebody without a high school grad, we can cooperate with colleges. The disadvantage is that it is expensive and time consuming. Another possibility is to hire someone who has already worked for us (rehiring). These people have already the skills and knowledge and we won’t waste time in training. To find an approach why so many employees leave, it is important to interview employees to improve the work environment. 2. Provide a detailed list of recommendations concerning how we should go about increasing our pool of acceptable job applicants so we no longer face the need to hire almost anyone who walks in the door. (Recommendations regarding the latter should include completely worded online and hard-copy advertisements and recommendations regarding any other recruiting strategies you would suggest we use.) At first we create a detailed list with all requirements we need for the job. There are different strategies to find suitable employees: * Internal candidates Unsuitable for us, because we need a permanent staff before we can promote someone. * Rehiring If we know somebody who did a good job and want to come back. It’s a win-win situation. * Recruiting...

Words: 388 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay

Carter Cleaning Company

...1. First, how would you recommend we go about reducing the turnover in our stores? We have to hire more qualified employees (e.g. high school graduate). If the employee has a better education, we didn’t need not so much time for training him. If we want to hire somebody without a high school grad, we can cooperate with colleges. The disadvantage is that it is expensive and time consuming. Another possibility is to hire someone who has already worked for us (rehiring). These people have already the skills and knowledge and we won’t waste time in training. To find an approach why so many employees leave, it is important to interview employees to improve the work environment. 2. Provide a detailed list of recommendations concerning how we should go about increasing our pool of acceptable job applicants so we no longer face the need to hire almost anyone who walks in the door. (Recommendations regarding the latter should include completely worded online and hard-copy advertisements and recommendations regarding any other recruiting strategies you would suggest we use.) At first we create a detailed list with all requirements we need for the job. There are different strategies to find suitable employees: * Internal candidates Unsuitable for us, because we need a permanent staff before we can promote someone. * Rehiring If we know somebody who did a good job and want to come back. It’s a win-win situation. * Recruiting via internet The most people nowadays...

Words: 322 - Pages: 2

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Carter Cleaning Company

...During an employee's post appraisal, review your findings about the employee with him. Let him know what his position is supposed to do for your business, and use your collected data to explain to him whether or not he fulfilled expectations for the position. This approach lets you keep each performance review objective, decreasing frustration on the part of employees who otherwise might feel their appraisal was based on favoritism or other unfair parameters. The post appraisal interview has been considered by most of the organizations, as well as employees, as the most essential part of appraisal system. This interview provides the employee the feedback information, and an opportunity to the appraiser to explain the employee his rating, the traits and behavior he has taken into consideration for appraisal etc. It also gives the opportunity to the employees to explain his views about the rates, standards or goals, rating scale, internal and external environmental causes for low level of performance, his resources responsible for performance, etc. Further, it helps both the parties to review standards, set new standards based on the reality factors, and helps the appraiser to offer his suggestions, help, guide and coach the employee for his advancement. (1) To let employees know where they stand; (2) To help employees do a better job by clarifying what is expected of them; (3) To plan opportunities for development and growth; (4) To strengthen the superior-subordinate working...

Words: 640 - Pages: 3

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Carter Cleaning Company

...Shireen Ng Suet Yeen (B0802681) After having the discussion session with the guest speaker on the topic of human rights, there are some insights about it. Human rights are something that humans are born with, it is innate, and it is about our rights and what we deserve. Human rights are important to ourselves and youth work because we fight for what we deserve and get what are ours. Besides, this also gives recognition as a person. For example, people will always demand something because they think that they deserve it. This will also be motivation in our lives. People always try their best to get what they want and what they deserve. Therefore, human right is about dignity, and the rights to demand and ask. There are some examples of human rights that humans always fight for, which include health, education, shelter, basic needs, quality, and equality. One question about education that most students will be asking will be “How to increase the chance to have a degree?” This issue will not be a problem to those students who can afford the tuition fees in colleges or universities, however this may be a major issue to those students who are willing to learn but they cannot afford the tuition fees. Besides, the current situation of youths in Malaysia or other parts of the world is that they are ignorant, get involved in drug addiction, and also face poverty (indigenous). They are easily influenced by their peers or others because they look for excitement and also ways...

Words: 731 - Pages: 3

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Case Study - Carter Cleaning Company

...Although small companies may not need to have specific training programs, in order to grow and maintain consistency within a business, more concrete programs need to be put in place. Carter Cleaning Company should update their orientation program, identification of tasks performed by employees and use specific training techniques to accomplish their goal of growing their business and maintaining consistent employee results. To standardize employee behavior and performance, and have the ability to measure an employee's success in these areas, there must be rules and guidelines to follow. The purpose of this paper is to explain specifically what Carter Cleaning Company should cover in their new employee orientation program, explain why a job instruction sheet will help their counter person in the performance of their job, and describe specific training techniques the company should use to train pressers, cleaners/spotters, managers and counter people. The purpose for these changes is to increase employer and customer retention as well as standardize all aspects of the different jobs when they begin to expand to more cleaning sites. The Carters have progressed from a small company whose policies and procedures were scattered and unfocussed to a company who now needs to implement more formal orientation, training policies, and procedures to ensure job consistency and employee and customer retention. Dessler (2013) gives a brief synopsis of some of the difficulties encountered...

Words: 1272 - Pages: 6

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Case Study Carters Cleaning Company

...should the Carters cover in their new employee orientation program and how should they convey this information? Employee orientation is done so that the new employees can be informed of everything they need to function and also it should help the employees get emotionally attached to the firm. Orientation content: * Information on employee benefits * Working Hours * Vacations * Supervisory reporting relationship * Familiarizing employee with colleagues and workplace * Personnel policies * The daily routine * Company organization and operations * Safety measures and regulations * Facilities tour This information can be conveyed through various mediums. One way is through an employee handbook. This would state the company policies, benefits, and regulations. It is the expectations from the employee and also from the company. It should also contain the employee’s rights. It states the general employment information. Another way they can convey the information is through orientation technology. They can take advantage of the web and have all their information placed online so that the employee can easily access the information and learn about the company. They can also use videos and lectures and different exercises to inform the employees on different aspects of the company. 2. In the HR management course Jennifer took, the book suggested using a job instruction sheet to identify tasks performed by an employee. Should the Carter Cleaning...

Words: 738 - Pages: 3

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Continuing Case-Carter Cleaning Company

...1. What do you think of the way Chapman handled the accusations from Peters and his conversation with Anderson? How would you have handled them? I don't think Mr. Chapman handled the situation properly. I think that Mr chapman should have went to HR and ask them to investigate the accusations that Mr Peters brought to him.When investigating allegations of sexual harassment, EEOC looks at the whole record: the circumstances, such as the nature of the sexual advances, and the context in which the alleged incidents occurred. A determination on the allegations is made from the facts on a case-by-case basis. Then bring Ms Anderson in the office with a female from HR dept and discussed her behavior. Let her know that her behavior would not be tolerated and that there was laws that to protect people against sexual harrassment.. 2. Do you think Peters had the basis for a sexual harassment claim against Anderson? Yes, because Ms Anderson had " developed an unwholesome personal attraction" to Mr peters, not only at work but at his residence too. Although the law doesn’t prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that are not very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person’s sex. Harassment can include "sexual harassment" or unwelcome sexual advances...

Words: 390 - Pages: 2

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Sick Leave Policy

...Days listed above are holidays that the company will pay off to all employee who has been actively working at Carter Cleaning Centers for at least 6 months. Submission of time off for vacation should be one month in advance before employee vacation starts so that it can give management time to find another person to cover that person position. The reason being for this “sick leave policy” is because we don't want employees to abuse their sick days to take off working days without notice. Unlike vacation POT policy, they are letting management know a month in advance to find other people to cover that position. Whereas sick leave policy may let employees take days off but will cause the work flow to slow down with an absences of a worker....

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