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Case 2 Dr. Garrets Chiropractic Office


Submitted By richhthoughtss
Words 400
Pages 2
A. The two table’s service and patient are used because both of them contain different lists of information and should be kept separate in order to be organized.
B. The purpose of the each field within the two tables is to create a place where the data can be logged and input. It is important to specify the field properties for each field in the tables, because they need to be designated for the appropriate input material.
C. The purpose of the primary key is to be able to distinguish the different entries that are to be logged and to also establish the criteria for the logs. In the two table’s Patient ID and Service ID are both primary keys and they are made in order.
A. The patient and service input forms are made to improve the accuracy of information within the database because of how the data is separated into fields and only the appropriate information is allowed to be input into that specific field.
B. The validation rule and the validation text go hand in hand because the rule is set in place to dictate what can be input into the field whereas, the validation is the visual instruction of what must be entered within the field.
C. The input mask is used in order to control the type of information that be entered within a given field.
D. The lookup wizard decreases the chance of entering the wrong data within the field because it creates a list of the different choices that are available to be input and only these choices can be entered within these fields.
a. In order to add the new patients and new products I would to enter the patient and product information in the patient and service table, respectively.
b. In order to create acupuncture as a new service I would have to go into the lookup wizard and manually add acupuncture to the list of available services.
c. In order to enter another field into the patient table I would have to go

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