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Case Ernest Young


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KPMG毕马威 公司介绍 KPMG公司在全球155个国家拥有85300名雇员(59700名为专职人员)。在北美数百家办事处中共有25200名雇员(KPMG 是五大会计公司中唯一一家欧洲业务规模超过北美的公司)。KPMG 为全球最大的五百家银行及100家保险公司的半数提供服务。首席执行官Stephen Butler 为KPMG 制定了新的名为The Power of One的计划。这一计划包括三个主要组成部分:成为业内第一;以统一方式运作;将公司的成功与每位员工联系起来。KPMG宣称,“公司将力争在所有业务领域内成为第一”。 主要业务有:审计、会计、税务、管理咨询、公司财务、公司重整及其他服务。 1.审计和会计。 包括:审计或鉴证、财务审慎调查支持、法庭与调查会计、信息风险管理、内部审计、养老金或退休金计划、管制和其他特殊报告、证券发行等; 2. 税务。 包括:公司税合规性审核及报告、关税和其他间接税.全球经济咨询、个人财务计划、州和地方税、税务条款的解释、税负最小化服务等; 3.管理咨询。 包括;作业效益提高、数据存储、电子商务、人力资源管理、IT战略和经营、一揽子解决方案、政策和经济研究、供应链管理、全球融资、计算机2000年问题等 4. 公司财务。 包括:采购和处置战略、资本结构或资金筹措建议、交易管理、私有化服务、估价等; 5.公司重整。 包括;管理和破产管理、破产、公司重组、清算等; 6.其他服务。 包括:保险精算服务、公司法律服务、信托服务、环境服务、ISO9000、法律支持、所有者管理的企业服务等。 公司办事机构有825个,成员所146个,所涉国家或地区:157个。公司的主要竞争对手包括PricewaterhouseCoopers,Andersen Consulting,Arthur Andersen,Deloitte & Touche,Ernst & Young。 KPMG 的咨询业务开展得较晚,但已拥有5000名专职咨询人员。1998年,公司的咨询收入首次超过了审计业务收入。公司38.01亿美元的总收入中有15.11亿来自咨询业务。该项业务自1994年以来已增长了三倍以上。KPMG 目前力图保持世界咨询市场百分之五的份额。据International Tax Review的评估,公司的税务业务收入和从业人员名列五大会计公司之首。 同时,KPMG 公司准备投入六千万美元用于提高本已不低的知名度。部分咨询业务正准备集资上市,此举将给公司及员工带来更大的收益。 KPMG在中国 KPMG毕马威(中国)会计公司于1992年成立于北京,随之在上海,广州,深圳也先后成立了会计公司。现中国员工已达700人。联系地址:Beijing KPMG Huazhen Unit 1608, Level 16 China World Tower 2 China World Trade Center No. 1 Jian Guo Men Wai Ave Beijing 100004, PR China Telephone: 86-(0)10 6505 6300 Telefax: 86-(0)10 6505 6306 86-(0)10 6505 6307 86-(0)10 6505 6308ShanghaiKPMG Huazhen 23rd Floor Shanghai Kerry Centre 1515 Nanjing West Road Shanghai 200040, PR China Telephone: 86-(0)21-6279 3399Telefax: 86-(0)21-6279 1627 Guangzhou Telephone: 86-(0)20-8732 2832 Telefax: 86-(0)20-8732 2883 Shenzhen Telephone: 86-(0)755-217 3330 Telefax: 86-(0)755-229 6486 企业文化KPMG 这样的大公司内存在多种企业文化是不足为奇的。一位员工很赞赏公司内开放的气氛,经理可以随时解答员工提出的问题并提供指导。KPMG 很重视公司的营业额并以此评价员工的表现。据一位刚进公司六个月的员工说,他的四位同事已经离开公司,其中两位去了其他会计公司,一位转了行,另一位被调去了KPMG 的另一办事处。事实上,追求高营业额的现象在五大会计公司中相当普遍。员工待遇 咨询人员有70%的工作时间都花在出差上。雇员们力图在本地完成业务,但由于客户位于世界各地,所以出差是不可避免的。咨询人员都非常年青,从事大项目的员工的年龄范围在25-35岁之间。 KPMG 鼓励员工参加社区服务——每个月员工都有四个工作日可从事志愿者工作。一位税务咨询人员说一些办事处内实行弹性工作制。比如他自己,每天从早上10点工作到晚上7点,以避开交通高峰期。KPMG 为每位新员工重新包装,并给他们提供印有公司标志的公文包。公司将病休日从假期中扣除,这项制度对那些年青力壮的员工十分有利。各办事处,各合伙人,各经理的额外津贴都不同,但各地的福利制度均保持一致。 公司的工作时间为上午8:30 至下午5:30,除去一个小时的午饭时间。一位员工透露下班时间有时为5:30,但在很多时候都是7:30。咨询人员的工作时间相当长,包括整理及分析数据,为项目会议和董事会议作准备。 联系方式 有意应聘者请将个人简历(中英文各一份)、资格证明、身份证复印件、近照一张、联系地址及联系电话函寄本事务所: 毕马威华振会计师事务所 人事部 石先生、杨小姐 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街1号国贸中心国贸大厦2座 1608室 邮政编码:100001 传 真: 6505 6306 公司主页: Ernst&Young安永 公司介绍 Ernst & Young至今已有一百多年的历史。公司是19世纪50年代一系列兼并的产物。1989年,原八大会计事物所之中的Arthur Young及Ernst & Whinney之间的兼并造就了现在的Ernst & Young。1998年,公司在全球132个国家办事机构:675个,82,000名员工。 公司现在是全美第二大会计事物所。Ernst & Young Consulting是公司的一大组成部分,有雇员10,500人。在过去的两年中,Ernst & Young Consulting的成长速度大大超过了整个咨询行业。数年中,Ernst & Young Consulting的年销售额都保持了35%的增长速度。1996年,管理咨询的销售收入突破了20亿美元。 公司近年来如此突出的增长与“Ernie”这一全新的网上咨询服务是分不开的。该服务的对象是那些小型公司和企业。他们只需付一定的会员费就能通过电子邮件向Ernst & Young的咨询顾问提出各自的问题。公司则依靠自己的专业知识迅速提供给顾客可行的解决方案。同时,Ernst & Yong Consulting还通过Ernie进行一项名为“Trend Watch”的调查,调查的对象是那些人们最关心的问题。E&Y在咨询业的另一项创新是Ernst & Young Enterpreneurial Consulting Group。在服务那些年利润高达1亿美元的大客户的同时,Enterpreneuial Consulting Group着眼于为小型客户提供服务。 尽管公司在拓展业务和销售额方面屡创佳绩,但还是碰上了许多麻烦。1999年7月,Ernst & Young解雇了约500名咨询人员,这一人数占全美8,200名员工总数的6%。 1998年,公司曾试图通过兼并六大会计事物所之中的KPMG Peat Marwick来扩大自身的规模,但由于一些原因该计划还是被迫搁浅了。 主要业务有:保证及咨询服务、税务服务、咨询服务等. 1.保证及咨询服务。 保证服务包括:审计、复核以及其他资讯和相关服务,如中期数据复核、内部控制复核;咨询服务包招:信息系统保证及咨询服务、内部审计服务、退休金计划服务、管理当局讨论与分析财务市慎调查服务、保险桔算服务等 2.税务服务。 包括:税务合规性复核服务及税务咨询服务; 3.咨询服务。包括:管理咨询、财务咨询服务等。 1999年收入:10900(百万美元) 1998年收入:9100(百万美元)增长率:19.8% 合伙人:6200 人 专业人员:58700人 公司的主要竞争对手有PricewaterhouseCoopers、Arthur Andersen、Andersen Consulting、Deloitte & Touche及K 企业文化 公司的规模既带来优势,也带来劣势。一些咨询人员指出公司的文化过于保守。“从公司日常管理到项目的处理,无不折射出公司的保守。”有员工这样说道。另有人指出:“这是个大公司。如果你有抱负,那么有时候日子的确会不好过。如果你只想安安定定,那倒是个好主意。但要是你想赚大钱,或者只想干自己感兴趣的事,你也许会觉得很失落。如果把一个项目指定给你,那你就得干。感兴趣当然最好,因为完成一个项目需要一段时间。(注:并不是公司所有的办事处里都有如此严格的机制。) 公司内部人士称公司正希望向全球化方向发展,并对员工出国工作持鼓励态度。有员工称办事处里有30~40%的人主动提出负责一些国际性的项目。他解释说:“公司鼓励这种做法,而且公司知道如果这些人得不到机会出国,他们就会辞职。而且国与国之间的人员调动并不困难。”有员工称:“我第一次出差去了中国!”另一位员工回忆起以前的经历说道:“我去过全世界任何一个地方。只要你能说出地名,我都去过。”员工待遇 薪水并不是公司的强项。“作为酬劳,应该还过得去,但并不是最好。”有员工这样指出。另一位公司的前任咨询人员指出:“如果你想获得大幅提薪,那得等上一段时间。”必须指出的是,在咨询业,熬夜加班并没有额外的补贴。 看来,公司现在正采取措施改善其福利制度。有传言说,公司正计划建立更好的奖励制度,希望从银行投资业及其他行业吸引更多的人才。但同时有人提醒说:“公司从最好的商学院招聘员工,所以他们必须付出高薪。” 内部人员提到同事们经常共进午餐或开Party。当被问及公司组织的活动情况时,一位员工做了个比较:“可能没有Andersen多。我跟那里的员工谈过,看起来Andersen似乎想让员工成为酒鬼。” 与此同时,Ernst & Young也有自身的缺点:每个部门都有形式不同的培训。一般说来,白天员工们必须保持清醒的头脑去上班,但一到晚上,大家整晚都泡在酒吧里。 公司要求员工将80%的工作时间都花在客户身上。这引来了员工们的诸多怨言。尤其对那些职位较低的员工而言,他们的时间更多地花在具体项目上,而非发展业务。尽管这种公司的要求还没有那些法律事务所严格,但员工们仍因此感到很大的压力。一位员工对此怨声载道:“公司的这一举措简直就是非让你加班不可,因为8小时的工作时间全都得用来发展业务。但问题是,那些拉到更多客户的人才会得到赏识。” 公司主页: Deloitte&Touche德勤公司简介: 世界五大会计事物所之一的Deloitte & Touche是Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu在美国的分支机构,后者在126个国家内共有59,000名员工。公司的咨询部门Deloitte Consulting在全美有2,900名员工,是业内最大的公司之一。其特长在于国际商务。Deloitte Consulting无疑完善了母公司的业务范围。公司所强调的是维持与客户之间的长期业务关系,其75%以上的业务都来自于老客户。 目前,公司的主要服务项目有会计和审计、税务咨询和税务规划、信息技术咨询、管理咨询以及兼并和收购咨询。主要竞争对手有Andersen Consulting, Arthur Andersen, Ernst & Young, KPMG及PricewaterhouseCoopers。 企业文化: Deloitte Consulting向来强调“经验重于培训”。“公司里很少有自负的人,这是件好事。”有员工说道。尽管很多咨询人员承认自己并非在为McKinsey或Andersen工作,但他们仍然很自豪。尽管工作必须在规定时间内完成,但大家都认为公司给予员工很大的自由度去安排工作时间。一位雇员评价说:“相对于公司的竞争对手而言,Deloitte尊重员工的私人事务,并鼓励员工做到工作娱乐两不误。”公司“3-4-5”的政策很好地体现了这一点:3天出差,第4天坐飞机返回,第5天可以在家办公。 “迟早,你都会碰上官僚主义。”有员工这样说。另一位咨询人员抱怨道:“Deloitte的企业文化的确很棒,但我就是不知道官僚是从那儿冒出来的,因为公司的合伙人并不多。我为很多有名的客户工作,公司的那些人并不知道你干了些什么,最后才发现人都走光了。”员工的流动率高达19%,只有很少人能呆上十年。 与很多人预计的一样,在D&T,有时候每周工作时间会很长。员工的着装则视各办事处而言。有些地方整年都是休闲的职业装,有些则天天都得西装革履。德勤在中国 德勤会计师行乃全球领先的专业服务事务所之一。德勤在中国的业务主要是为企业和投资者提供全面的会计、审计、税务和商业咨询服务。 早在1917年德勤即在上海开设了首家办事处,至今德勤已成长为中国最大的专业服务机构之一,面向大型国有企业、跨国公司及成长迅速的新兴企业提供服务。1997年,德勤与具备长期中国业务经验的香港著名的关黄陈方会计师事务所合并,使其中国业务的实力得到了极大加强。 合并后的公司成为中国规模最大的专业服务事务所之一。 德勤中国的目标是成为中国专业服务机构之首,为客户架起一个双向桥梁,即将外国投资者与中国的机遇连接起来,向希望成为国际化的中国公司提供专业资源和服务。为了加强这种桥梁作用,我们的专业人员共同分离并吸收了丰富的专业人员共同分离并吸收了丰富的专业知识和经验,以支持在北京、香港、上海及其他新兴商业中心的专业服务。 最新动向: 近年来,D&T的咨询业务发展迅猛,1995至1997年间的销售额翻了一番。公司在系统集成咨询等领域内具有领先地位。与Oracle、AutoTester及SAS Management等众多软件、系统公司之间的合作关系也增强了公司在技术方面的优势。最近,Computer World进行的一项调查结果表明Deloitte Consulting在众多管理咨询公司中独占熬头。公司与客户的关系及办事效率更是赢得了受访者的赞赏。1997年,Deloitte Consulting有近一半的业务收入来自管理咨询业务,另一半则来自信息技术咨询业务。公司预计其1999年的销售额将突破30亿美元。 1998年,D&T为一项宣传方案花费了250万美元。该方案旨在将公司及下属的咨询部门同其他五大区分开来。在这项宣传中,D&T一方面称Andersen因内讧而焦头烂额,另一方面则形容PricewaterhouseCoopers及KPMG的管理一团糟。公司的工作环境在同行业内享有最好的声誉。1998年,《财富》杂志就全美100家最受员工欢迎的公司作调查,结果D&T名列14,是“五大”中唯一上榜的公司。公司主页:
PricewaterhouseCoopers普华永道 公司介绍 合并后的普华永道已成为一个真正的巨人和一家真正的全球性公司,在全球150多个国家拥有800多个办事处。普华永道的领导层深信,公司越大,发展越快;因而新成立的普华永道必将创造一个不可超越的大型公司,并将其竞争对手远远地甩在身后。 严格地讲,普华永道咨询公司成立仅一年。尽管如此,公司还是在管理咨询领域有不俗的表现。普华永道管理咨询公司是发展最快的咨询公司之一,其1998年的增长率高达40%。更值得一提的是,普华永道的策略咨询现已成为世界第三大策略咨询业务,该业务1998年的销售额达9亿美元。 普华永道的主要服务包括战略变革,流程优化和技术解决方案。主要竞争对手有美国管理系统公司、安达信咨询公司、德勤咨询公司、安永咨询公司、毕马威咨询公司、AT Kearney、Booz-Allen & Hamilton以及麦肯锡咨询公司。 普华永道管理咨询公司对普华永道在全球,特别是欧洲的业务拓展做出了巨大的贡献。1999年6月,该公司为其在法国的业务增派了约250名咨询员。同时,该公司还通过收购比利时和意大利的其他咨询公司而不断扩大自身规模。 “新公司服务”——普华永道推出的一项新型咨询服务,旨在协助刚刚起步的高科技公司。普华永道咨询将为公司的前期启动、创建业务模式和吸引投资等方面提供帮助。目前,该公司在高科技领域的客户包括Cisco Systems和惠普公司。 普华永道管理咨询公司坚信,因特网和电子商务作为一种建立公司—客户关系的新方式,有着重要的战略优势。“电子商务是普华永道的一个重要增长点,”一位咨询员说,“我们已经安排众多最优秀的人才和大量的资金,以使普华永道成为电子商务领域中最重要的一员。” 普华和永道的合并同时创造了全美最大的政府咨询公司之一——普华永道政府咨询公司。该公司在华盛顿地区共拥有2500名员工,约80%的年收入直接来自美国政府;预计1999年的收入将高达3.5亿美元。 普华永道正全力培养顶尖的IT咨询人员。为此,公司于1999年在佛罗里达州的Tampa建造了一个方圆23英亩的培训中心,全美750多名未来的咨询员将被送往这里进行为期12周的技术培训。除技术培训以外,接受培训的咨询人员还要通过一系列的讲座和小组活动了解公司及其运作。已经经过培训的IT咨询人员也将在日后的工作中定期的来到Tampa培训中心接受更高层次的培训。 关于公司的合并,员工们是怎么说的呢?对此,绝大部分人都感到很高兴。一名员工指出:“合并之后,我们的福利待遇改善了。我们享有医疗保健、福利制度以及长达三周的休假。公司的职员享有10天的有薪休假,外加15天的无薪休假(两年后将增加到22天)。 “合并还带来了其他好处,”一位职员指出,“我们的咨询、审核及税务服务的业务范围明显扩大,其实在某种程度上这已经涵盖了全美所有的大公司。在合并之前,我们两家公司的优势互补:普华在美国以咨询见长,而在欧洲则以审计和税务见长;而永道正好相反。现在,我们在任何一处的任一业务都十分强大。”企业文化 “众所周知,”一位职员说,“即使在近两年,普华大华和永道仍以高额薪金而闻名。”当前,在人才市场紧缩的情况下,“普华永道的薪金显得更具竞争力。”职员们称,尽管普华没有加班制度而永道有,“但两家的报酬基本处于同一水平。” 你也许会自然而然地想到,一个拥有155,000名员工的公司会有一种“国际化”的公司气氛。“事实上,我们就像一个小型的国家!”一位咨询员说。另一位职员则评论道:“普华永道是一家全球性的公司,公司的领导层具有全球化的眼光。”完成海外作业并不难,事实上,公司也常常鼓励我们这么做。他们会将你的丈夫或妻子送来与你相聚——的确,普华永道的激励机制十分优秀。 普华永道对有经验员工的培训同样是全球范围的。这个名叫“全球入门教程”的培训方案是为有经验的咨询人员开设的。据一位曾参加培训的员工说,培训地点可能在任何地方——法国、西班牙、东京、塞浦路斯或者悉尼。有些员工则呆在亚特兰大或圣路易斯。一位新雇员说:“全球入门教程将帮助你熟悉公司的情况。他们会告诉你第一个月和第一年的工作、生活情况,告诉你在需要时和谁联系等等。我们还做一些小组协作练习,这对那些不习惯在小组中工作的外国员工来说极为有益。我们吃得简直像个皇帝——牛排、龙虾以及数量不限的小虾。” 和大部分的咨询公司一样,普华永道要求员工长时间地工作。对大多数人来说,“工作时间是由你自己决定的。如果你像其他许多人一样是个工作狂,那么你可以没日没夜地干;如果你只想按公司的规定做,那么你可以只从早上八点干到下午五点,从周一干到周五。”然而,正如那位员工所说,“没人会拿到任何加班费——你只是在完成你的本职工作而已。”另一位员工则抱怨说:“工作时间相当长。平均每周你必须工作50至60小时。”很一大部分工作时间将在出差中度过——尽管咨询员们认为“公司的出差制度相当不错”。出差时,你“将拥有一台膝上型便携式电脑”,“住在舒适的旅馆,享用美味的晚餐”。大部分人整个礼拜都在出差,周一一早离开,直至周四晚才回来。 对普华永道,甚至对所有的咨询公司来说,如何留住最优秀的员工都是一个倍受关注的问题。然而,员工们称,普华永道为满足职员的需求已做出了卓有成效的努力。“一些人根本无法忍受每周都必须乘飞机穿越美国,但这对咨询工作来说又是不可避免的。”一位员工说,“出于这个考虑,普华永道正努力改进我们的业务模式,以便能够只在小范围内派遣员工。”普华永道的另一项举措是设立“创新”奖金,以确保勇于创新的员工能得到应有的重视。新技术包括电子商务(无论是企业之间或是企业与用户之间)和销售运作自动化等。 员工待遇 工资上涨已不是秘密,大约两年前Coopers&Lybrand和Price Waterhouse的报酬都不很丰厚,但如今员工们的报酬已从较具竞争力 转变为极具竞争力。公司将收益分享制度扩展至咨询人员,合伙人可 分享收益。 PricewaterhouseCoopers很重视公司的生活质量,管理咨询服务部正推行“More Nights@Home”计划,意在减少咨询人员离家 的时间,该计划要求员工每周为客户工作五天,四天需呆在客户处, 其余三天便可呆在家中。 其他咨询人员的福利制度还有“For Your Converience”,该计划已在全美十二处推行。FYC计划照顾了员工的 需要,如:代买礼品或杂货,代替因维修或送货而不得不呆在家中的 员工。大部分服务都是免费的,其余的最多只需花费5美元,大部分员 工都利用了该计划提供的服务。 另外还有“Personal Survival Series”计划,帮助员工缓解生活 。公司主页:

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...Moncrieff awaiting the arrival of his aunt, Lady Bracknell and cousin, Gwendolen Fairfax for a meal at his flat. Unexpectedly, his good friend, Ernest Worthing drops by to visit. Ernest announces to Algernon that he is going to ask for Gwendolen’s hand in marriage but before Algernon gives him his approval he mentions a mysterious inscription on Ernest’s cigarette case that says “From little Cecily with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack”(1601). Algernon demands to know who “Jack” and “Cecily” are. Ernest admits his real name is Jack and Ernest is the name of his fictional troublesome brother who he uses as an excuse to visit the city and Cecily is Jack’s ward that lives with him in the country. Algernon then confesses he is also a “Bunburyist”, (a name he has given to someone that leads a double life) and he often uses his invalid friend Bunbury as an excuse to leave his social obligations in the city. After a brief conversation between Jack and Algernon Lady Bracknell and Gwendolen arrive at Algernon’s home just in time for Jack’s proposal. Gwendolen enthusiastically accepts and admits she would only accept a proposal from a man named Ernest because “It has a music of its own. It produces vibrations” (1605) and the name Jack: “it does not thrill. It produces absolutely no vibrations” (1603). Gwendolen’s fascination with the name Ernest is a bit outrageous and shows that...

Words: 1338 - Pages: 6

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...Bankruptcy Examiner’s Report in Auditor Malpractice Suits A bankruptcy examiner’s report may provide a roadmap to auditors’ negligence, breach of contract, gross negligence, and / or cooperation to cover up fraud committed by the debtor management. A bankruptcy examiner is appointed by the court to investigate the debtor and the debtor’s estate for the purpose to determine if fraud, dishonesty, misconduct, incompetence, and irregularity by the debtor management has occurred before and during the filing of the bankruptcy. The judge call for an examiner based on a request from the trustee, the creditors, major shareholders, and / or his personal judgment. The parties who utilize the finding of the examiner’s report to sue the auditor for malpractice are the trustees, creditors, major shareholders of the debtor, and any other party that may find joining the lawsuit is in the best interest of the society. The examiner’s investigation- first- focuses on many aspects of the debtor’s assets, liabilities, equities, and how the operation is carried out in compliance with rules and regulations. The examiner gathers, verifies, tests, and interprets information from different sources (employees, customers, vendors, lenders, and other professionals who provide service to the entity under investigation). Second, through...

Words: 1260 - Pages: 6

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...Intro to HealthSouth Fraud Case Review In 2003, HealthSouth was accused of one the largest accounting fraud cases in healthcare history and those involved are still being tried today, nine years later. HealthSouth was founded in Birmingham, Alabama in the year 1984 by a respiratory therapist name Richard Scrushy. By the year 1999, HealthSouth had grown to house 230 surgical centers, 120 inpatient hospitals, 5 medical centers, 129 diagnostic centers and 1379 outpatient rehab centers and was worth an estimated billion dollars. It was revealed that HealthSouth started their downward spiral in the year 2002, which paralleled the timeframe that Scrushy sold of ~ $100,000 in HealthSouth Stock Options. Within the following 6 plus months to follow, the FBI announced allegations against HealthSouth and opened a criminal investigation for probable SEC violations. The FBI investigation initially uncovered wrong doings from the years 1999-2002 where Scrushy had overstated his salary 1 million + dollars to meet expectations of shareholders and Wallstreet. Unfortunately, this was just the beginning, and as forensic accountants dug deeper, the FBI soon found that HealthSouth’s corporate accountants were adjusting entries to offset liabilities, reduce expense accounts and state elevated salaries to balance their bookkeeping. It was reported ~$373 million dollars of cash on the books was fictitious. It was eventually revealed that all four Accounting Statements were incorrect and that...

Words: 578 - Pages: 3

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Grant In Ernest Gaines's A Lesson Before Dying

...Grant comes to the Rainbow Bar for a drink after a great day with Jefferson. He is greeted by two mulattos belittling Jefferson. Despite Grant’s attempt to stay calm and ignore their ill-mannered remarks, his patience runs thin, and he begins to yell at the two mulattos which initiates a fist fight between the two. Jefferson, a young black man from Louisiana, is wrongly convicted of a crime to yell at them to stop in which the mulattos do not take too well, and this engages a fist fight for which an inevitable death is in store. Jefferson’s godmother has one dream for him before his execution day which is to see him go out as a man. She deems only Grant Wiggins, as the only person fit enough to teach him. Grant must find a way to get through to the young, obstinate Jefferson and...

Words: 873 - Pages: 4

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...Satire Within The Importance of Being Earnest Comedy is normally intentioned to be engaged in theatrical plays to develop a significant message. In witty, comical plays like “The Importance of Being Earnest”, the author, Oscar Wilde’s key objective is to create comedy in a number of situations creating ridiculous occurrences and absurd characters. Wilde presents the character(s) in the comedy play to obtain weaknesses, conceits, and lack of insight so that their acts can be easily compared between real life and form a sense of humor within the audience. Comedy of matters is a category of play suitable to uncover the superficial values of the dominant class in society written in a satirical but natural way. Wilde satirizes the values of the Victorian higher class using the characters Jack, Gwendolen, Algernon, Cecily, and Lady Bracknell. There are many examples from “The Importance of Being Earnest” that depict comedic and satire elements through themes like marriage and triviality. The nature of marriage, critique of marriage as a social tool, is a theme that is portrayed throughout Wilde’s play. It is also the most valuable during the Victorian era and to most of the characters especially to Lady Bracknell. She represents the predictable fascinations of the Victorian name such as social class, income, and an acceptable character. She views marriage as a financial business and does not approve of Jack to marry her daughter, Gwendolen, and simply because he is an orphan....

Words: 953 - Pages: 4

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To What Extent Do Male and Female Literary Characters Accurately Reflect the Role of Men and Women in Society?

...To what extent do male and female literary characters accurately reflect the role of men and women in society? A lasting piece of literature is a work that accurately reflects the role of the people during certain time period eloquently. This is best perpetuated in the short novel Kitchen written by Banana Yoshimoto and the play The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde. While the main characters Mikage in the novella and Gwendolyn in the play reflect the shifting role of women in the Japanese society and Victorian era respectively, Yuichi and Algernon, on the other hand, however reflects the role of men through unconventional means. Through subtle use of symbolism, Banana Yoshimoto and Oscar Wilde highlights to what extent these two characters accurately reflect the role of men and women in Japan during the 1980s. Mikage in the novella and Gwendolyn in the plays both follow the philosophy of women in the Japanese society in 1980s and British upper class in Victorian era respectively. The main character in Kitchen, Mikage, a young student living in Tokyo, is trapped between the traditional role of women in the Japanese culture and her desire for independence. To comprehend the context of the literature and the character portrayed, one should possess a thorough knowledge of the author, Banana Yoshimoto. The novel is written in 1988, in which Japan was in the midst of the longest economic boom it experienced since the World War II. Yoshimoto, who was in her early twenties...

Words: 848 - Pages: 4

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...DISCUSSION BOARD FORUM 3 CASE STUDY Topic: Property Barney has finally decided to retire after many years on the job as a deputy in a small North Carolina town and as a detective in the “big city” of Raleigh, NC. Though Barney sometimes appeared to be a bumbling law enforcement officer, it turns out that he was a dutiful saver and a shrewd investor who now owns an interest in a second home on the North Carolina coast as well as some prime real estate in the North Carolina mountains. Barney purchased the mountain property some 31 years ago as joint tenants with a right of survivorship with his old friends Andy, Floyd, and Howard. All of the friends have passed away, and Barney has not been back to the property in more than 20 years. Andy had apparently indicated in his will that he was leaving his interest in the property to his son Opie, and, a few years back, Opie took out a personal loan using his alleged interest in the property as collateral. When Opie defaulted on the loan last month, the lender initiated a legal action to foreclose on the property. Barney hired an old friend with whom he used to go to church (who is now an attorney in Raleigh) to address the lender’s legal action. The matter is still pending. Remembering that a trout-filled stream ran through the property, Barney decided to do a little fly-fishing. Driving out to the property, Barney was surprised to see smoke rising from the stone chimney of a little cabin that some unknown person had constructed...

Words: 1365 - Pages: 6

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Jamaica Water Property

...Jamaica Water Properties  Introduction The case is about an accounting fraud that involves the Jamaica Water Properties, Inc. This fraud was discovered by David Sokol, who was at that time served as COO (Chief Operating Officer) of the Jamaica Water Properties, Inc. The main culprit was Ernest Grendi, JWP’s CFO, helped by several of the company’s senior accountants. Moreover, the company’s external auditor, Ernst & Young, seems to be involved as well. This case will show regarding the auditor independence, its duty as professional accountant, fraud, and the perspective from the employees toward their higher-ups management.  Background Its company’s name, before becoming as JWP, was the Jamaica Water Supply Company. It began its operations in 1886 as a small business that delivered water to a few neighborhoods in the Queens borough of New York City. Gradually, the company expanded its geographic market and eventually became one of New York State’s largest water utilities. In the mid-1960s, Martin Dwyer took control of the company. Dwyer realized that the heavily regulated water utility industry limited his company’s profit potential, so he decided to expand it into other business. Because of his familiarity with governmental agencies, Dwyer began offering various contracting and construction services to local municipalities. Over the next several years, the company expanded into other lines of businesses by acquiring a varied assortment of small firms in the New York...

Words: 1688 - Pages: 7

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...The Future Lies Just Beyond the Hills Ernest Hemingway’s short story “Hills Like White Elephants” uses symbolism to draw the reader beneath the tense, yet cryptic dialogue about a forbidden choice: Jig’s impending decision to abort or bear her unborn child.  It is a topic so intensely personal and scandalous for its time that it cannot be discussed in explicit terms. In fact, the word “abortion” is never even spoken. Yet Hemingway literally paints the picture of a divided landscape capturing the intense internal struggle raging in the heart of young Jig. Symbolically sitting at a train station between “two lines of rails in the sun,” (Hemingway) Jig must decide which direction she will head. Her decision will be final, and there will be no turning back. The train heading home will mean the birth of her child and a future of being a mother. “The express from Barcelona” (Hemingway) heading to Madrid will allow her to continue a carefree life and forget her unborn child ever existed. The dilemma is complicated, but her options are not. To abort or not to abort, there is no middle ground. They are tracks which will never cross.     Her male companion, who we know only as “The American,” is pushing Jig to have the abortion, but for Hemingway this is not a political debate, it as deeply private human struggle.  “Abortion” is never mentioned.  It is only alluded to through the couple’s cryptic dialogue.  The American assures Jig “It’s not really anything.  It’s just to let the...

Words: 767 - Pages: 4

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...Carr Gardens, Streatham, London Postcode: SW16 3HD Telephone/M: 07947109025 Parent/Guardian Mobile Number: 07962344018 (Mother) Email: Summary: . I see myself as a young and ambitious adolescent male, who consistently strives for success, in the most adamant way possible throughout society. .Due to my self-determination, and work effort, I can strongly propose that I seek a challenging position of employment and activities, to truly enable my full on working skills which have progressed due to my work experience. .Finally I feel that due to my experience, I can fully project my customer orientation, and service due to my approachable and responsible manner. Employment: Casual Sales Assistant - Sports Direct - Kingston Upon Thames Duration - Monday 27th July - Monday 31st August 2015 Job Role : To Assist All Customers Purchasing and Browsing For Items In The Store In The Most Appropriate Way Possible, alongside the role of cleaning, managing, and securing certain areas within the building. Experience: 23/06/14 - 27/06/14 London, Temple Chambers of Lord (Gifford Q.C.) . Date: Monday 23rd June 2014 - Friday 27th June 2014 . Address: 1 Mitre Court Buildings, Postcode: EC4Y 7BS . Attending interesting Crown Court trials and cases. 1) Croydon Crown Court: 9am -5pm 2) Woolwich Crown Court: 9am -5pm Monday 23rd June 2014 24th Tue - 26th Thurs June 2014 3) Immigration & Asylum...

Words: 748 - Pages: 3

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Importance of Being Ernest

...asks if marriage is so demoralizing. Lane informs us that he was married once but only as the result of a misunderstanding, so he is not sure. Lane exits; Algernon comments that Lane’s views seem lax and the lower orders have no use if they will not set an example. He comments that Lane’s class seems to have a lack of moral responsibility. Unexpectedly, Algernon’s friend Jack Worthing drops in. Jack resides most of the time in the countryside and is visiting town. Lane and Algernon are under the impression that Jack’s name is Ernest and refer to him as so. Jack is happy to learn that Lady Bracknell (Aunt Augusta) and her daughter Gwendolen are coming because he wants to propose marriage to Gwendolen. Algernon says that he will not be able to marry her because he flirts with her, which Aunt Augusta does not like. Furthermore, as Gwendolen’s first cousin he will refuse to offer his consent unless Jack settles a question for him. He has found a cigarette case that Jack had forgotten upon his last visit. There is an inscription, which states: "From little Cecily, with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack." Jack tries to pretend it is from an aunt. Eventually, he must admit that Cecily is his ward. To escape the...

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