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Caues of Impariments


Submitted By beesley01
Words 518
Pages 3
Causes of impairments
Genetic Factors:
Each cell in our body contains 23 pairs of chromosomes and one chromosome form each pair is inherited from your mother and one is inherited from your father. The child can inherit a health condition from one of their parents, but this depends on whether the gene is dominant or recessive. If the gene is dominant then the child is more likely to inherit the health condition from their parent.
Chromosomal Abnormalities:
Chromosomal conditions are most often associated with errors during meiosis, leading to an alteration in the number of chromosomes or to alterations in chromosome structure affecting all the cells in the body. A child with chromosome anomaly will end up having significant learning difficulty or may also have problems with one or more body organs.
Birth Trauma:
Birth trauma can happen before, during and after delivery of the baby. Brain injuries can be causes by a lack of oxygen or blood flow to the developing brain or the baby, infections or the baby might suffer physical damage during an assisted birth. Sometimes complications can be caused by a birth defect and its nobody’s fault.
Age Related Diseases:
When people start to get older they end up changing the way that they act and this is related to diseases that can cause old people to change the way that they act. These are disease are stroke, dementia, hearing, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. This can cause an older person to become cranky and can end up getting hurt a lot easier than a younger person.
Head, Neck or Spinal Injuries:
If a child or adult has had a head, neck or spinal injury, then this could possibly lead to them becoming physically unable to do normal things. This means that this person could become paralysed. If you have a severe head or neck injury it can cause brain damage. Paralysis can occur if the part of the brain that controls specific muscles is damaged. If have a spinal injury then you could have damaged your spinal cords, which means that the brain may no longer be able to transmit signals to the muscles, causing paralysis.
Nutritional Effects:
If people don’t eat a balanced diet then you are not giving your body the correct nutrients. This means that your body is unable to function properly. This can lead to obesity, chronic diseases and compromised mental health. This can then lead to type 2 diabetes and cancer.
Infectious Diseases:
Infectious diseases are related to bacteria and viruses. You can get an infectious disease such as AIDS, HIV and hepatitis if you are sexually active. This disease can be caught through having sexually intercourse with someone who has the diseases. This disease can be treated, but it’s a long term diseases and people may not be able to get rid of the infection.
Lifestyle- Related Diseases:
A disease associated with the way a person or group of people live their lives. Life style diseases include atherosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, obesity and type 2 diabetes. Regular physical activities can help to prevent people from getting these diseases.

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