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Causes Of The Fire In To Kill A Mockingbird

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On December 12, 1934, Abbottsbille’s firefighters pushed their firetruck through harsh weather conditions in order to get to a house fire on Maycomb’s main residential street. The fire, which was caused by house plants that were too close to the flue, was extinguished at 2:30 am.
It has been confirmed that the cause of the fire were potted house plants. Miss Maudie Atkinson, the owner of the house, is a known plant enthusiast. She unknowingly started the fire when she placed her potted plants too closely to the flue in order to protect them from Maycomb’s unexpected snow. It hasn’t snowed in Maycomb since the year 1885. However on December 11, it snowed and temperatures dropped to 16 degrees Fahrenheit. They are also reports that this cold weather is the reason why the firetruck was unable to start. The firefighters were unable to push the firetruck to Atkinson’s home in time to save it. However the fire was extinguished before it could spread to surrounding houses.

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