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Causing Confusion Through Email


Submitted By border24
Words 751
Pages 4
Causing 1

Causing Confusion Through E-mail

Causing 2

Causing Confusion Through E-mail E-mail has become the most used communication tool on the job. Just because e-mail is used commonly, it isn’t always used well (Ronald B. Adler and Jeanne M. Elmhorst – 27). I can definitely agree with that. It is not just that it is not used well; sometimes the email is just not re-read for clarification before sending it. This can tend to cause confusion for the recipients of your email. I will give you an example of an email that I sent out that I should have written differently so that everyone receiving the email would have understood it. I recently was promoted to an Area Manager position within Wawa. I had eight stores that I was overseeing during my temporary position. These eight stores were used to our meeting process which included one of my General Managers named Ramona organizing breakfast for us. This process always worked well and everyone knew they could call Ramona if they wanted to bring something special or just to help out. This brings us up to my first meeting coming up in January. Due to my promotion, I lost three of my original stores and picked up an additional eight stores. I needed to send out an email to inform everyone of our meeting date, time and other things that they were required to bring. My intentions were to send out a brief email. The additional eight General Managers that were added to the team do not know me and I did not want to really start out our working relationship with a lengthy e-mail. My intention was simply to give them the information they really needed and all other communication would be done at the upcoming meeting. Causing 3
This is part of the email that I sent out. “Our first GM meeting will be on Friday, January 14th from 8am -3pm at the Elkton

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