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“Cell One” by Chimamanda Adichie


Submitted By lizam
Words 392
Pages 2
“Cell One” is a short fictional story written by Chimamanda Adichie published in the New Yorker. It is about a young girl who is growing up in an area full of crime. Her home is broken into multiple times, once be her own brother, cults roam the streets and dominate the school campus. In this story, the narrator’s brother gets into trouble many times. He steals, lies, and cheats, and ends up getting arrested for being in the same area as some of the cult members. There’s a particular cell in the prison where her brother is being held and it is called “Cell One.” Many of the inmates who occupy this cell lose their lives. At the end of the story there is a bit of suspense. The narrator and the narrator’s parents travel to the jail to free the brother, when they get there they find out the brother had been taken to Cell One and then transferred to another facility because he acted out against the police men. The mother and father are in a bit of a panic because they do not know if the son is dead or alive. This story was very well written but I have to say I was not a fan of this work. I did not like how the narrator was rather emotionless through out the whole story, only showing emotion one of two times. I also felt like the story was anti-climactic and lacked an engaging element. Through out the story I was waiting for something to happen, something to really draw me in and make the story worth reading. “I wanted him to stop talking. He seemed to enjoy his new role as the sufferer of indignities, and he did not understand how lucky he was that the policemen allowed him to come out and eat our food” is the quote from “Cell One” that stood out to me. Through out the whole story the narrator is very unexpressive, and in this sentence I felt like she revealed some of her feelings toward her brother. She did not understand why he was complaining when he was the one who landed himself in prison in the first place. Why were there so many cults? Why were the police so cruel to the innocent old man inside the prison?

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