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Submitted By liana90
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Khutbah terakhir Nabi Muhamad menjelaskan aspek berikut:
1. umat islam mesti bersatu padu
2. mencintai perdamaian
3. berpegang teguh jepada agama Islam

Ini kerana selepas kewafatan baginda umat Islam menghadapai dugaan besar antaranya:
1. mendapatkan calon pengganti nabi muhamad.
2. munculnya individu yangf mengaku nabi
3. golongan yang tidak membayar zakat
4. murtad – golongan al riddah

Kerajaan Khulafa Al- Rasyidin

Selepas wafat 632M – sistem pemerintahan islam dikenali sebagai khalifah. – dikenali dengan khulafa al rasyidin. Antara khalifahnya:
1. Abu Bakar Assiddiq – Bani Tamim – 632 M – 634 M
2. Omar Al Khattab – bani Adi – 634M – 644M
3. Uthman bin Affan – Bani Umaiyah – 644M – 656M
4. Ali bin Abu Talib – Bani Hasyim – 5656M – 661M

Konsep Khalifah
Arab – pengganti yang melaksanakan tanggungjawab pemerintahan danpentadbiran kerajaan.

Agama – tanggungjawab memelihara kemurnian agama islam yang disampaikanNabi saw, dan tanggungjawab kekalkan kehormonian serta kestabilan Islam

1. lelaki yang merdeka
2. beragama is 3. memiliki pengetahuan islam
4. mematuhi perintah allah
5. sanggup melaksanakan hukum islam
6. bersifat adil dan akhlak yang mulia
7. tubuh badan yang sihat dan sempurna
8. berfikiran cerdas, warak
9. pandai mentadbir
Kaedah atau Cara:
1. musyarawarah atau syura ( Syura bermaksud –Permuafakatan ataukonsesnsus)
2. cadangan satu nama sahaja3
. pemilihan beberapa calon
4. pencalonan sekelompok masyarakat.
5. Baiah atau lafaz taat setia selepas dilantik jadi khalifah.

Kepentingan Baiah dan syuara:
1. Jamin bakal pentadbir yang tepat berkelayakan dan berhemah tinggi.
2. Pentadbiran kerajaan lancar.

Tugas Khalifah
Aspek Agama
1. memelihara kedudukan agama serta
2. mentadbir mengikut hukum syariah.
3. menitikberatkan sistem politik, ekonomi, sosial supaya berlakukeseimbangan antara keperluan rohani dan jasmani.


1. memastikan kelicinan pentadbiran negara.
2mempertahankan negara islam daripada musuh
3. bertanggungjawab melantik dan melucutkan jawatan pegawai. 4. ketua Negara
1. menjaga kebajian rakyat supaya nikmati hidup sejahtera didunia dan akhirat
2. menjaga dan meneruskan ajaran Allah swt.
3. mengekalkan perpaduan melalui konsep musyawarah dan syura
4. memantapkan sistem perundangan Islam.

1. menguruskan hal ehwal kewangan dan perbendaharaan negara-baitulmal
2. mengatur pungutan kharaj, jizyah, dan zakat.

Sumbangan Khulafa Al Rasyidin
Abu Bakar As Siddiq
Lahir 573M – nama sebenar Abdullah bin Abu Quhafah. As Siddiq bermaksud yang membenarkan kerana sentiasa meyakini kebenaran nabi saw. Ikhlas, jujurdan setia. Juga digelar penyelamat umat islam.
1. Berjaya mengatasi masalah perpecahan masyarakat Islam . Berpuncadaripada:a. Orang islam yang murtad dan gerakan golongan al Riddah yangmenyalahtafsirkan ayat al Quran sehingga tidak mahu bayar zakat.
2. Mempertahan Madinah daripada ancaman kuasa luar spt Parsi, Rom Timur, Menghantar Khalid Al Walid tentang Pars di Iraq, Usamah bin Zaidke Ghassan.
3. Melicinkan pentadbiran dengan pembahaian 10 wilayah spt:
a. Makkahb.
c. Yamand.
d. Al Junde.
f.Bahrin g. Jarshh.
i.Hadrahmaut, dan
j. Nijran

4. Memperkenalkan bayaran bergaji untuk tentera melalui hasil rampasanperang
5. Perkenalkan undang-undang tanah dan hak rakyat terutama golonganMawali – orang bukan arab yang peluk Islam – hanya perlu bayar cukaitambahan.
6. Mengumpulkan kitab al Quran – arahkan Zaid bin Thabit. Sebabkumpul:

a. Ramai hafiz al quran gurgur shahid semasa gerakan ar riddah.
i. Sebelumnya ayat al quran disalin dalam bentuk: ii. batu iii. kulit binatang iv. kayu dan tulangb.

b. Disimpan oleh Khalifah Umar, Hafsah ( Isteri Nabi saw.) danUthman bin Affan

Umar Bin Al-Khattab
1. Berasal daripada Bani Adi , Lahir pada 583M. Nama sebenar Umar binAl Khattab bin Naufal – Keturunan Quraish. Terkenal dengan sifat berani,tegas dan berterus terang.Dikenali dengan Amirul Mukminin atauPanglima Agung Mukmin.
2. Pelantikan dicadang oleh Abu Bakar As Siddiq dan dipersetujui parasahabat.
3. Jangka masa pemerintahan beliau dianggap zaman keemasan sebab:
a. Banyak perubahan dan pembaharuan dilakukan.
4. Bidang politik:
a. Perkenalkan dasar pentadbiran dan pelantikan pegawai
b. Tubuhkan Majlis Syura dianggotai Muhajirin dan Ansa c. Bahagikan jajahan takluk kepada beberapa wilayahd.
d.Melantik wali atau gabenor sebagai ketua – bertindak sebagaiketua pentadbir dan tentera.e.
e.Tubuhkan beberapa jabatan seperti Jabatan Tentera, Polis,Percukaian, dan Perbendaharaan. Negara. Diketuai Khatib atausetiausaha.f. Jabatan kehakiman dipisahkan daripada jabatan lain untuk elaksalah laku oleh hakim dan dibayar gaji bulanan – 500 dirham

.5. Bidang Sosiala.
a.Pendidikan – sediakan guru dan tempat belajar sertakembangkan pembelajaran al quran
.i. Sebagai contoh ; Abu Sufyan dihantar ke kawasan orang badwib.
b.Perkenalkan kalendar Islam dan Tahun Hijrah.c.
c.Susun semula sistem ketenteraan bentuk tentera tetap dansukarela.d.
e.Markas tentera dibina dibandar utama.
e. Kubu Pertahanan di sempadan yang menghadap musuh sepertiDi Madinah, Kufah, Fustat dan Basrah.

6. Bidang Ekonomi.a.
a.Bina terusan dan tali air – tambah hasil pertanian sepertiempanagan Abu Musa di Basrah dan Terusan Amirul Mukminin – 111km di Mesir.
b. Rakyat digalak teroka tanah baru dan usaha tanah terbiar.
c. Perkenal pelbagai cukai spt:
i. Kharaj – berdasarkan jenis tanaman dan kesuburan tanah ii. Jizyah – dikenakan terhadao golongan zimmni – orang bukanIslam yang duduk dalam wilayah Islam dan kekal dengantradisinya. Mereka bebas daripada perkhidmatan tentera danpembayaran zakat.d.
d.Baitul diperkenalkan bagi kawal aliran zakaat

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...| | | | | | |   | In May, news of maleic acid contamination in the tapioca pearls used in bubble tea (also called boba tea or 珍珠奶茶) spread to Malaysia. Several bubble tea chains published statements through press releases and Facebook stating that their products are free of the substance. However, in response the Malaysian Healthy Ministry banned eleven Taiwanese food products suspected of containing the chemical substance. Discussions about the side effects from the chewy pearls broke out among netizens.  This was not the first time that the bubble tea business, originating 30 years ago in Taiwan, has been challenged that their tapioca pearls contain harmful substances. We wrote about the bubble tea craze last year, and mentioned the first scare of finding a carcinogen, diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), in the chewy black pearls. After the ban on maleic acid contamination in June, why are we still seeing the bubbles lurking in our cold tea? Is our fear about kidney failure real? We decided to get to the bottom of this. Are we safe now? It is common for us to take action immediately after hearing news about what can kill us. However, let’s look into it with a little more detail based on a very simple reason: Bubble tea has been in the market for 30 years. If the chewy balls are going to cause cancer or kidney failure, wouldn’t there be a lot of casualties by now?  We remember how popular they were in pasar malam (night market) 20 years ago when...

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...Conversation 1: Simon stops typing his email , refreshing himself and courteously smiles at Samantha as she enters Simon’s office with respectfully knocking. She looks a little bit tired and upset. Simon: Hello! How are you, Samantha? What can I do for you? Samantha: Hi, thank you Simon, I do have a request that I hope you can do me a favour. I sincerely want to ask for Friday off for some private reason and I am sorry about my presumptuous request. Simon promptly ask Samantha to take a sit first and drop into silence for a while . Simon: Never mind Samantha, there’s no need to be worried. I believe that you must have your sufficient reason but may hard to tell. And actually I do noticed you are in poor mental state very recently. But due to our roster have been already written and Friday is the busiest day in a week, would you mind to tell me what happen to you and let me give you a hand? Samantha are impressed by Simon’s amiable response. She takes a deep breath and replies in a slightly calm voice. Samantha: Thanks Simon, I am so grateful to your understanding and concern. In fact, my mother is flying into town for a quick visit, and she only just decided to do it ,according to some emotional issues that I recently come across and just make me can’t concentrate on my work both heart and soul. More importantly, my mother is getting old day by day and I haven’t seen her for a long time, it would mean a lot to me to be able to spend some quality time with her. I definitely...

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