Premium Essay

Chemistry in Our Lives


Submitted By mahdishafiei
Words 551
Pages 3
Chemistry used in our lives
A firework is a flammable material that can be used for entertainment. There are chemicals located in the nose of the rocket that explode, producing the colours seen. Fireworks were created for the purpose of entertainment and today they are still widely used in celebration to mark special occasions. The thrill and excitement generated by fireworks, brightening the night sky with vivid displays of colour, is what makes them a crowd pleaser.
But behind all the excitement of fireworks, chemistry plays an important role in creating the vivid colours. The actual chemical reactions that take place in the explosions require the use of oxidizers. While the production of light in fireworks, rely on basic chemical principles such as redox reactions, combustion and the excitement of electrons in metal ions when heated.
Redox reactions are chemical reactions in which both oxidation and reduction take place. Oxidation is a process where oxygen is gained, or hydrogen lost and reduction is where oxygen is lost and hydrogen is gained.
NO3 (s) + S (s) → NO (g) + SO2 (g)
With any explosive device, combustion occurs. Combustion is a process of rapid oxidation of a substance with simultaneous release of heat and sometimes light. This is important in fireworks because of the redox reactions that occur.
S (s) + O2 (g) → SO2 (g)
Fireworks require chemical reactions to create the vivid colours that are created. However there are three essential chemical items needed to allow the reactions to occur. They are an oxidizer, to produce oxygen needed to let the firework burn, reducing agents to burn the oxygen emitted to produce hot gases which glow and binders that hold the mixture into a piece.
The common oxidizers are nitrates, chlorates or perchlorates.
2NaNO3 (s) → 2NaNO2 (s) + 3O2 (g)
Chlorates are composed of a metal ion and a chlorate ion and

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