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Childhood Obesity In Older Adults

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When we hear the words overweight or obesity we tend to relate these words with adults. A reason to this could be, because obesity affects our body’s function. Many health problems arise in the forms of type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and lack of range of motion. The majority of times, we see these health complications in older adults. Now, the health problems experienced by adults due to obesity are now being experienced among children. When a child is overweight or obese during childhood, the percentages of developing heart disease when adulthood is reached are higher, the same happens with metabolic disorders like type II diabetes, if they are not experience during childhood the person is most likely to develop it during adulthood …show more content…
The purpose of the study was to note the relationships between obesity and school performance, self-esteem and obesity, and school performance and self-esteem. Self-esteem was taken in consideration because it is link to school performance and obesity. After, having consent forms from parents the procedures of the study to determined participants started by giving students the Harvard’s Young Adolescent Food Frequency Questionnaire which included questions about self-esteem and sedentary and physical levels. In addition to this weight and height was annotated allowing only the cut offs for overweight with body mass index (BMI) > 25 kg∙m-2 and obese BMI>30 kg∙ m-2 adjusted for the children age and gender. For school performance students were given the Elementary Literacy Assessment, which it included reading and writing assignments, from the results only were considered those who met or exceeded the standards. Self-esteem was approach a series of instruments were selected according to the age being tested, these instruments include 11 questions regarding to self-esteem, and the responses ranged were …show more content…
Children that are introduced to physical activity from a very young age are less likely to experience overweight or obesity problems. In a study done by Annesi, Smith, and Tennant (2013) the purpose of this study was to reduce sedentary time in five years old preschool children who were overweight or obese. For this study children were assigned either for the control group or the treatment group. Children under the treatment group physical activity was developed using social cognitive and self-efficacy theories through a program called Start For Life. Preschool children experience low levels of physical activity, by increasing physical activity levels from sedentary to moderate-vigorous was designed to involved children to learn how to be more active but also with the purpose to reduced BMI in overweight and obese participants. The Start For Life program was designed to nine months for 30 minutes of physical activity every day, teachers received training on how to prepare an exercise plan with the help of an assistance and a professional coach. Each 30 minutes of physical activity were composed of a warm up, the activity phase, and followed by cool down. Children under the control group performed more gross motor activities like playing in the playground for 30 minutes daily for the nine months period. The results from this study, a significant difference were fund for moderate-vigorous

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