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Childhood Obesity Issue Essay

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Childhood Obesity is a growing problem here in the United States today. Obesity in children has become a major problem in America. Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. While exercising and doing fun activities are great for children, parents should regulate what their children eat because it causes serious health issues; it inhabits physical activity, and causes self esteem issues.
In today’s modern living, with cutting edge technology, excessive fast food, less physical activity and last but not the least trending obesity. The growing number of cases of obesity has made it into a full blown social problem. Child obesity is a highly talked about topic in today’s time. Sometimes, I sit here and wonder what could be the cause of this epidemic? Our luxurious living has taken us to the number one spot on top of the ladder on one side and submerges us in a concave pit known as obesity.
As a parent of a growing toddler this issue is very big to me, because I see how I want my daughter to live a healthy life and then I see people who are obese and a low quality life they live. I in fact grew up as an obese child and it carried into my adulthood. I battled with so may health issues that took a toll on me and I …show more content…
Obesity is one of the number one causes for our children getting onset childhood diabetes due to their weight and lack of exercise. Another issue this causes is sleep apnea, which blocks the airway while lying down while sleeping. This is a very scary health concern. Also with childhood obesity the long term damage carries on into your adult life and has wear and tear on the body. Obesity in children is also linked to type II diabetes, heart problems, sadness, and stress. I know all too well, as I too went through some of these problems and was able to overcome most of these

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