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Children Spending Too Much Screen Time Essay

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Is your child Moody? Restless? Impulsive? Does he have Difficulty focusing or have Emotional outbursts? Does your child have Trouble sleeping, or getting up in the morning? Do they seem to sleep plenty of hours but still seem exhausted the next day? It could be because your child is spending too much time on electronics. When your child has too much screen time, their entire mood and behavior is changed. Their brain can actually be damaged from too much screen time.
The American Academy of Pediatrics estimates that the average child and adolescent spends as much as seven hours a day looking at a screen, whether it be video games, tablets, cell phone, computer or TV. There are a number of studies that connect delayed cognitive development in children with extended exposure to electronics as well as many other effects. …show more content…
Here is a list of reasons why from the Mayo Clinic and Psychology Today.
• Aroused nervous system (which makes falling asleep difficult)
• Sensory overload
• Lack of restorative sleep
• Lack of movement (leading to increase obesity rates)
• Exposure to violence
• Atrophy in gray brain matter (where processing occurs in the brain)
• Addictive tendencies (due to dopamine being released in the system, a hormone which simulates reward processing in the brain and addictions)
• Impaired brain function (decrease in impulse control, abnormal brain activity which leads to poor task performance)

In this article I have talked about how screen time can have negative effects. But not all screen time is bad. Educational apps and TV shows can be a great way for children to enhance their developing brains; it just needs to be limited and not played directly before bed time.

Children's health. (n.d.). Retrieved August 28, 2016, from
"Children's Health." Screen Time and Children. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Aug.

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...Writing Essoy for Tests English Gobi Duigu @ Gabi Duigu 2002 All rightsreserved Revised and reprinted2003 Published AcademicEnglishPress by 9/13 ArmstrongStreet NS\f 2062 Cammeray Australia P h : 0 2 9 4 3 76 3 3 0 email: g.duigu@unsw. Distributed by: Melting Pot Press 10 Grafton Street NS\W2008 Chippendale Australia Ph: (61) 29212 1882 Fax:02 9211 1868 email:books@elt. ISBN:0-9578996-1-0 lntroduction StogeI TheQuestion . . . .3 the L Understonding Question ......3 1.1 The Instructions 1.2 Kev Terms 2. AnolysingtheQuestion... ......7 2 . 1F i n d i n g t h e F o c u s the 2.2 Understanding Context 2.3DefiningtheTerms . ..... '7 ' . . .8 .....10 ldeos ond Presenting Stoge2 Selecting 3, Findingldeos 3 . 1B r a i n s t o r m i n g 3.2 FindingMore Ideas 3.3UsingExamples 3.4The "'s7hatifNot"Situation 3.5 Looking at the Other Side . ldeos 4, Selecting 4 . 1S o l u t i o n s t o P r o b l e m s . .2Evaluation . . 4.3 Classificationof Ideas ....r3 ...14 . . . .15 ' '.... '17 '. '.. 'I7 . . .18 ......1e ......19 . . ' .20 . . . . . ' '21 4 . 4 T y p e so f C l a s s i f i c a t i o n 4.5 SelectingRelevantldeas 4.6Levelof Generalisation 4.7 OvergeneralisationsandExaggeration 5, Orgonisingldeos... 5.1 RankingIdeas 5.2Consequences 5.3Comparisons 5.4$ternatives.. 5.5Speculation.. ".... "23 .....25 ... "..26 .....28 ......3r . . .31 ...3I ...

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