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Chinese Food-Eight Cuisines


Submitted By lyn7
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Chinese Food-Eight Cuisines
China, with a long history of 5000 years, makes a great contribution to the world in many aspects of which food is the most important one. During these five thousand years of development, Chinese food has a great achievement and many dishes are famous in all over the world. Chinese food paid attention to a lot of aspects such as nutrition, health care, diet treatment and cuisine aesthetics.

Chinese cuisine is featured by diversified color, aromatic flavor and excellent taste, which bring us enjoyment of the five sense organs. The first is diversified colors. We usually choose many species of vegetables that are in different colors. Having several different colors of food in one plate can arouse people’s appetite. In preparation of food, we always add two or three ingredients with different colors as a decoration to the main course aiming to have a delightful and harmonious color combination to arouse our appetite. Compared to western food, Chinese food contains more seasonings such as soy sauce, sugar, vinegar and salt in gustatory sense. In the meantime, we have to put more flavors like ginger, garlic, cooking wine and sesame oil to make the dishes more delicious and fragrant in flavor. And the last but not the least, taste is the soul of food. In general, taste can be divided into five classes- hot, sweet, bitter, sour and salty. People in different regions prefer different one.

Cuisine’s definition is a dish system possessing distinctive flavors and features in a certain region.

China is a time-honored and multi-ethnics nation with abundant resources. Influenced by climate, geographical environment, cultural tradition and many other factors, and after long time evolution, each ethnic group has formed its distinct dishes. The most influential and typical known by the public are the Eight Cuisines. They are as follows: Shandong Cuisine, Guangdong Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine, Jiangsu Cuisine, Zhejiang Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine and Anhui Cuisine. Below would introduce each cuisine in a brief way.

Shandong Cuisine, also known as Lu Cuisine, is the local flavor in Jinan City and Jiaodong peninsula, featured by dense taste and favor of shallot and garlic, especially cooking of seafood, soup and a variety of bowels. One of its most famous dishes is “Eight Immortals Crossing Sea teasing Arhats”. It is composed of eight main ingredients: fin, sea pumpkin, abalone, asparagus, prawns and ham. It is usually a starter before the celebration feast and in the ancient times, it’s the favorite dish of royal court.
Guangdong Cuisine, also known as Yue Cuisines, focuses on the polished skills and always chooses find and rare ingredients. Its flavor is refreshing, clear and tender. And soup is the essential dish. Braised Snake porridge is a well-known dish. While doing this dish, just choose rare meat of cobra, grimalkin and pullet and braise elaborately. Chinese restaurant in USA mainly present Guangdong cuisine.

When mentioned Sichuan Cuisine, the first thing popped in our mind is spicy. On account of its wet and rainy climate, the locals prefer to eat very spicy food to keep moisture away. Chuang Cuisine has a long history from Qing Dynasty. Its special pungent seasonings is “Three Peppers”, including Chinese prickly ash, pepper and hot pepper, and is good at using shallot, ginger, and garlic. Meanwhile, Chuan Cuisine is famous for different tastes, it has seven tastes (sweet, sour, tingling, spicy, bitter, piquant and salty) and eight flavors (fish-flavored, sour with spice, pepper-tingling, odd flavor, tingling with spice, red spicy oily, ginger sauce and home cooking). Gong Bao Ji Ding is very popular in the whole world, it is just tender chicken fried with peanuts, and tastes a little spicy.

Hunan Cuisine, known as Xiang Cuisine, stresses on the use of oil, fragrant-peppery, sour and burnt-hot, while sour-spicy taste is the most favorite flavor. Dongan chicken, immortal chicken stir-fried with red-hot chili peppers, is with a long-standing reputation. This dish is really delicious and had been famous since Tang Dynasty.

Jiangsu Cuisine is just the local recipe of Yangzhou, Suzhou and Nanjing. Its flavor is partial to sweet and its main cooking techniques are braising and stewing. Three sets of ducks is one of the famous and it just needs to put pigeon into wild duck and put the wild duck into a fowl duck. After stewed, the little pigeon is delicate, the wild one crisp and the fowl duck is tender.
Zhejiang Cuisine is the traditional food style in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing and its surrounding areas. It featured as tenderness, mellow fragrance non-oiliness and cleanness. Its famous dishes include Sweet and Sour Pork Fillet, West Lake Beef Soup, Jiaxing steamed glutinous rice, Ningbo glutinous rice balls and Huzhou multi-layer steamed bun.

Fujian Cuisine can also be named as Min Cuisine featuring the various flavors of saltiness, sourness and sweetness. Its choice of the main course is always the seafood because of proximity of the sea. As the tempting food are countless and 40% are soups, I only exemplify some such as fried Xi Shi, Buddha jumping over the wall and Dongbi dragon pearl.

The last one is Hui Cuisine, which is Huizhou Cuisine, not Anhui Cuisine. It is characterized by common usage of ham to diversify taste and crystal sugar to increase freshness. Braised turtle with ham is ancient dish using special Mati turtle. Many poems are to praise this dish.

Throughout China Eight Cuisines, seven cuisines come from Southern China. Why so many famous cuisines come from South? The reasons include geography and history factors. Northern China is mainly to the plains. The economy on the plains was always developed in Chinese history. The developed economy attracted more and more people from all over China, promoting the cultural assimilation among China. Northern China cuisine, which cultures breed, becomes more inclusive and more suitable for all Chinese.

All in all, each cuisine in China has its own distinctive cooking skills and preference of flavors. During the course of our long history, Chinese food has formed its own system and is well-received in foreign countries. You can see many Chinese restaurants in many countries. Chinese food has already seized the world people’s stomach with its various cooking skills, usage of different seasonings and the good taste. While tasting each cuisine, you can experience the Chinese culture and the wisdom of Chinese people.

中国,一个有着5000年历史的国度,是世界文化的重要组成部分,而中国的餐饮文化又是中国文化中最重要的。在中华上下五千年,中国菜取得了巨大的成就,很多菜肴也已闻名于世。这是因为中国菜综合营养味道于一身。 中国菜兼具色香味,给大家的五官同时带来美的享受。首先是色,人们通常会选择不同颜色的食材。将五颜六色美妙的结合在一起,从视觉上唤起大家的食欲。在嗅觉上,与西方食物相比,中国菜在制作过程中通常会使用种类丰富的调料,比如说酱油,糖,醋和糖等等。再加上葱姜蒜、料酒、香油会让菜肴闻起来有种迷人的香味。味道是食物的灵魂,中国菜有酸甜苦辣咸五种,根据地域的不同人们也有着不同的喜好。
中国是一个历史悠久、资源丰富的多民族国家。受气候、地理环境和历史文化等因素的影响,经过长期的演变,根据不同的地域特色各地的菜肴都有独特的风味。其中最著名的就是中国的八大菜系,包括山东菜、广东菜、四川菜、湖南菜、江苏菜、浙江菜、福建菜和徽州菜。接下来我们会逐个加以简单介绍。 山东菜,又被称为鲁菜,以济南和胶东两地的地方菜演化而成。特点是清香、鲜嫩、味醇而著名,十分讲究清汤和奶汤的调制,清汤色清而鲜,奶汤色白而醇。擅长以葱香来调味。烹制海鲜甚有特色。八仙过海闹罗汉是其中最著名的一道菜。“八仙过海闹罗汉”是孔府喜寿宴第一道菜,选用鱼翅、海参、鲍鱼、鱼骨、鱼肚、虾、芦笋、火腿为“八仙”。将鸡脯肉剁成泥,在碗底做成罗汉钱状,称为“罗汉”。制成后放在圆瓷罐里,摆成八方,中间放罗汉鸡,上撒火腿片、姜片及氽好的青菜叶,再将烧开的鸡汤浇上即成。 广东菜,也叫粤菜,烹调技艺多样善变,用料奇异广博。在烹调上以炒、爆为主,兼有烩、煎、烤,讲究清而不淡,鲜而不俗,嫩而不生,油而不腻。汤在粤菜里是不可或缺的。烩蛇羹是比较有名的一道粤菜,是由蛇肉和乌鸡精心炖制。美国的中餐馆里一般以粤菜为主。 接下来是川菜,一提到川菜就会想到辣。鉴于当地潮湿多雨的气候,当地人通过吃辣去除湿气。川菜历史悠久从秦朝开始就有记载。川菜的主要调料是“三椒”,包括辣椒、花椒、胡椒并且善于运用葱姜蒜。川菜以味广著称,有"七味"(甜、酸、麻、辣、苦、香、咸),八滋(干烧、酸、辣、鱼香、干煸、怪味、椒麻、红油)。宫保鸡丁可以说是川菜的代表,享誉全球,是以新鲜肌肉和花生炒制,稍有辣味。 湖南菜,就是大家熟知的湘菜,着重于用油、醋和辣椒,并且酸辣味是湖南菜里最受欢迎的。东安子鸡久负盛名,用嫩鸡和红辣椒煸、烧而成。这道菜味道酸辣鲜香,从唐朝开始就大受欢迎。 江苏菜是扬州、苏州、南京的地方菜。它口味偏甜,并以焖、炖为主要制作手法。将去骨菜鸽放进野鸭的肚内,再把野鸭放进家鸭肚内炖制,便做成了江苏名菜“三套鸭”。经过炖制家鸭肥嫩,野鸭喷香,菜鸽细酥,滋味极佳。 浙江菜是杭州、宁波、绍兴等地的传统饮食。浙江菜具有清淡的特点,并加以鲜嫩。浙菜系名菜和特色小吃很多,比较出名的有“西湖醋鱼”、“西湖牛肉羹”、“嘉兴棕子”、“宁波汤团”、“湖州干张包子”。
福建菜,俗称闽菜,味道变化多样,重酸甜。福建靠海,海鲜自然就成了闽菜的主要原料。由于闽菜种类繁多,其中40%是汤,我只列举一些,如“佛跳墙”、 “炒西施舌” 、“东壁龙珠”。 最后一个是徽菜,徽菜指的是徽州菜而不是安徽菜。徽菜讲究火功,并常用砂糖提鲜。火腿炖甲鱼是用特殊的马蹄鳖制成,很多诗人在诗句中称赞这道菜。

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Country Note Book of China

...Country Notebook The Country Notebook—A Guide for Developing a Marketing Plan The Country Notebook Outline (Click here for more information about the Country Notebook.) • I. Cultural Analysis  • II. Economic Analysis • III. Market Audit and Competitive Market Analysis  • IV. Preliminary Marketing Plan I. Cultural Analysis writing guide Guideline I. Introduction writing guide A significant aspect of China is its long cultural and national history. The Chinese people have shared a common culture longer than any other group on Earth. The Chinese writing system, for example, dates back almost 4,000 years. The imperial dynastic system of government, which continued for centuries, was established as early as 221 BC. Although specific dynasties were overturned, the dynastic system survived. China was even ruled at times by foreign invaders, such as the Mongols during the Yuan Dynasty, from AD 1279 to 1368, and the Manchus during the Ch'ing Dynasty, from AD 1644 to 1911, but the foreigners were largely absorbed into the culture they governed. It is as if the Roman Empire had lasted from the time of the Caesars to the 20th century, and during that time had evolved a cultural system and written language shared by all the peoples of Europe. The dynastic system was overturned in 1911, and a weak republican form of government existed until 1949. In that year, after a long civil war, the People's Republic of China, with a Communist government, was proclaimed...

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