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Christopher Columbus-the American Dream


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Christopher Columbus

Being an Italian, I dont think I could really follow The American Dream. But I do believe that I somewhat follow the promise. When my sons, Ferdinand and Diego, were born I promised myself I would make sure their lives were great. I started my voyages to hopefully seek happiness for my sons. I never really found anything to please my children until I came across America. On that land lived groups of Indians. I was fasinated by them. I had never seen anyone like them. So I used them for things that I could never do in one day. Yes, I enslaved these innocent people. They may or may not hate me for it, but I needed the help. Once I returned from finding America, I told my sons to seek out any job or duty that could hopefully help out the family and or our country. I worked long and hard to make my family happy. It took years and guts to do what I did. I jeopordized my life for happiness. I just wanted my children to see me as a role model and be a great father themselves. My sons did get the education they deserved and made me proud. They got it without having artificial barriers. I am definitely proud of my sons. They lived up to my expectations. But I unfortunetly cannot be their role model anymore. I must now leave and they must be adults. They must live their own lives without me looking over their shoulders. I just hope they know that I did everything I could to make them the way they are today. Goodbye my sons, you will forever be in my heart and soul.

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