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Cinematography Research Paper

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Throughout the decades of cinematography, the quality and aspects of color has changed dramatically. There were many different types of projection machines that were being invented, making many people very excited across the US and Europe. With all the new inventions and new films that were being created, this brought in new demands of entertainment. In the 17th century, using a magic lantern, allowed them to create a certain illusion to make the still pictures appear in movement, thus making short clips. A magic lantern was an early version of a slide projector that images would pass through a lens with a light. It is debatable on who invented the magic lantern some credit Butch scientist, Charles Hugyens in the later 1650s, and then others credit Athanasius Kircher who used a candle as his light source. …show more content…
This was one of the first films with on-screen kissing. This clip was about 47 seconds long. The film was by Thomas Edison, featuring a Canadian actress May Irwin and actor John Rice. During the time kissing was very much frowned upon. So when the audience saw the two actors kissing and spooning there was an uproar. Some would even give the police a call with the places that the clip was being shown. The camera placement is probably the most important thing about this clip. Normally, the picture would be in full length, but in this case it was fairly near them so we could clearly see their faces. The kiss alone is innocent. It is an old husband kissing his wife they way he should. But, the closeness of the image disturbed so many people of that era because they all felt that a kiss was supposed to be private. After that clip, Irwin and Rice did not make any more films, but during the time they were one of the first celebrities. The quality of the film was very poor, obviously because they did not have the type of technology we have today. The film was also in black and white, the original colors for the first films

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