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Civil War Vs Confederate Essay

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The American Civil War was a testing period of opposing wills between the Union and the Confederacy. The main focal point for the war was on the issue of slavery. Headed by Abraham Lincoln, the Union desperately tried to emancipate the slaves while Jefferson Davis, head of the Confederates, tried to lead the Confederate rebellion against this emancipation. The two sides met numerous times in many battles that were spearheaded by brave soldiers. The soldiers of the American Civil War had many things in common including volunteers in their respective armies, military life, and some technology, but the overarching difference was the support of the African Americans the Union possessed. In February 1861, the Confederate States of America were formed which consisted of eleven states that seceded from the Union for their preservation of the right of slavery, states’ rights, and political liberty. Led by Jefferson Davis, the …show more content…
There are some differences between guns used by both sides as the Confederacy had far weaker industry than the Union. This caused the Confederacy infantry-men to rely more on imported guns like the English manufactured Enfield. Although the North had a industrial advantage, they looked on European arms dealer to provide guns for their troops as well but did not heavily rely on them. Both the Union and the Confederate soldiers had an upgrade in weaponry from shoulder-fired weapons that had to be reloaded through the muzzle each time a shot was fired to new rifle barrel firearms, which were reloaded at the breech. Both the sides also employed a breech-loading, single-shot, rifle-barreled weaponry commonly known as carbines in their cavalry. The Confederates differed from the Union in one sense as many cavalry men brought sawed-off shotguns and some cut-down their own hunting rifles for

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