Premium Essay

Cma Cgm Internship


Submitted By cezz
Words 4438
Pages 18
Within the framework of a good control of his flows, CMA CGM Morocco adopts several procedures to assure the continuity of the circuit of containers, and for a good control of the flows of the full and empty containers.
The outstanding containers are a problem for the agency CMA CGM Morocco, engendering additional costs owed in accumulate demurrages and storage expenses.
For a better control of flows, I found suitable to use the process approach to describe clearly the various processes import and export for the full and empty containers, so the various procedures organized to assure the continuity of the circuit of containers.
Toward the end a dashboard is realized by means of the various indicators, aiming at the availability and at the smugness of containers at the level of deposit to satisfy the customers so to increase the sales force of CMA CGM Morocco as well as the recommendations implementation to decrea1se the number of the outstanding containers for the CMA CGM.

Table of contents:

Part 1: The management of the logistic flows of containers to the CMA CGM
Chapter 1: The Company
Section 1: CMA CGM, 3rd world ship owner
1) The birth of the group CMA CGM
2) History of the CMA CGM
3) The development
4) Setting-up in Morocco
5) Mission of the CMA CGM
Section 2: A presentation of the actors of the port of Casablanca:
1) SOMAPORT, agency of exploitation of ports
2) The public actors of the sector of sea transport in Morocco
Chapter 2: The ideal progress of a container
Section 1: The technical aspects of the transportation of goods containerized
1) Definition of a container
2) The various types of containers
Section 2: The journey of the container within the CMA CGM
1) The optimal journey of the containers within the CMA CGM
2) Modelling Import
3) Modelling Export
Part 2: The

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