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Coffee and Energy Drinks


Submitted By Dendryte
Words 1313
Pages 6
Coffee and Energy Drinks: A Caffeine Comparison Jacob Wiegand University of Maryland University College WRTG 101

Some may call the current debate that rages between traditionally brewed coffee and the fairly new energy drinks long overdue since the latter’s inception in 1987. With the tightly connected world we live in today, myths and opinions can spread very rapidly and create biased perspectives where there should normally be none. With this in mind, to view key points of these beverages and discuss the similarities, differences, hazards, and benefits of each based solely upon facts would be beneficial to the misinformed. Just as advancements in technology have created a world where information can travel the globe in fractions of a second, perhaps methods of caffeine consumption can also modernize and gain an edge on the centuries-old brewed coffee, although with a different purpose. For the contents of this essay, the term “energy drinks” will be condensed to include the many brands on the market today and will be associated with the average amount of additives found in such drinks. This will also be true for coffee which can often contain as much as and surprisingly more caffeine than mainstream energy drinks (Mitchella 2014), although the content varies wildly depending on the beans used and the method of brew. On the subject of caffeine content, it may be surprising to learn that an energy drink contains 2.5 milligrams of caffeine per ounce while a cup of coffee contains 77 (Arria, 2011). That news may come as a shock to many individuals adamantant on the abolishment of energy drinks, but it must also be noted that energy drinks contain 16 ounces while a standard cup of coffee is 6. Therefore, even ounce per ounce, coffee contains more caffeine than a standard energy drink. What is different however is that

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