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Submitted By puppy411
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1. Analyze why Columbus would want to describe the natives as he does in a communication to the Spanish court.
Columbus describes the natives as he does to the Spanish court because he plans that they would make great servants to his king. Columbus describes them as “ingenious” and willing to become Christians. He explains how the natives live, that they enjoy the simplest things such as necklaces, and their companionship with Columbus. The natives were friendly and became attached to Columbus’s community. He describes them to the court as they are quickly learning words. Columbus wishes that he will return with 6 natives to cater to his highness.
2. In what descriptions does Columbus betray a patronizing attitude? How does this judgment influence Spanish behavior on Hispaniola?
Columbus presents patronizing attitude when he was describing how poor the natives are. For example, he described the natives as poor because the women did not wear clothes. He describes their features and the way they wear their hair. The natives wear their hair short, it is as coarse as a “horse’s tail” and leave an extremely long potion of hair behind. This judgment influences the Spanish behavior by having intentions to take advantage of the natives. Since the natives do not wear clothes, Columbus judges them as being poor. Thus obligates his intentions for the natives to become servants.
3. How would you characterize the Natives’ attitudes toward possessions?
Columbus describes that the natives are free with all they possess. In other words, if you were to ask for something, they would give it to you. The natives would never say no but they would ask if they could share it. Anything given, even if it was something with no value to it such as broken glass or hoops, they would show great appreciation. They would give something in return out of kindness. They are very delighted, warm-hearted, and show gratitude for everything.

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