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Commmunication 278


Submitted By wh334
Words 284
Pages 2
Writing Exercise #4

Customer satisfaction is defined as a way to measure how services and products produced by a company meets or exceeds what a customer expects. Customer satisfaction is a common term used by various marketers. When it comes to selling services or products to the public, customer satisfaction is the most important factor to being successful. If a customer feels like the product or service they received does not meet their standard they will return the product or demand a refund for their service. Customer satisfaction is a key component to services especially, even if the customer gets their refund they can take to social media to spread the experience they had and word of mouth will spread. When I was thirteen I was given my first iPod, I was the happiest person in the planet. Some times I got bored with it and would just leave it lying in my room. The magic of having the latest technology did end at times especially when the new one hit the stores. In a sense the magic of customer satisfaction ends when you know there is something better or newer out in the world. The next years or so I have updated to the new iPods that have been released and I’ve noticed that I enjoy and protect my iPod for the first couple of months. By the time I get tired or bored of it, it seems that a new version of the iPod is ready to be released into the market. This could be Apple’s marketing scheme, Apple could have measured an average time to see when the magic runs out enable to correctly time the release of new products.

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