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Compare And Contrast The Music Of The 1960's And The 1960s

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What do you think of first when you think of the 1960’s and the 1970’s? Do you first think of the Vietnam War? Or do you think of the start of the civil rights movement with Martin Luther king Jr? To many of the children who grew up during this time, the first thing that would come to their mind would be the music of that generation. For them it wasn’t just music, it was life. To experience a whole new meaning of excitement and take on what was going on during their youth. The music that came out during the Generation X was arguably the finest music ever produced. This music was created to question the man and to argue against authority. To some, the music influenced them into arguing that the war was just a strategy, but to get them out of a recession. If you look back into Generation X, most were against the way the government ran. It defiantly shows by their music. Not only were they against the government, but also not to conform to the standards set to them by previous generations. Rebelling was the new norm, to be you and to be free. Doing whatever you want after years, and years of being told “this is what you have to be because everyone else says its right.” …show more content…
Since the smooth riffs on a acoustic guitar, to the extreme influence of auto tune of today’s music. Most people of generation x would argue that today’s music doesn’t make any sense and its “not real music.” It’s hard to come up with a counterpoint when back then music was so influential into changing the world and peace and love. Now all songs seem to have the same theme which is sex and drugs. From when we were little though we grew up on whatever our parents liked to listen to and that shaped many peoples view on the music they listened to as teenagers and adults. There seems to be a trend that prior to each generation the music would seem simpler or more

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