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Comparing Juliet In William Shakespeare's The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet

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The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a play directed by “fate”, according to the characters. Although the events of the play are definitely conducted by the characters influencing them, one being Juliet. Juliet’s defiance to her parents, reliance on other people, and her terrible plan to reunite with Romeo set the stage for the calamity to occur.

The main dilemma in the play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is that Romeo and Juliet are “secretly” married. It is “secret” because Juliet’s brilliant mind believes it’s a good idea to tell her parents they’re married about half way through the play. “I will not marry yet; and when I do, I swear it shall be Romeo…” (Shakespeare, Act III, Scene V). The point of having a secret marriage is to keep it a secret, but this does not translate to Juliet. This did not directly kill anyone, but it was still a idiotic decision since it raised the tension for Juliet to marry Paris. …show more content…
Juliet does very little throughout the entire play, most times dwelling in her bedroom, and sobbing over how “terrible” her life is. This is mentioned by the nurse her servant who does all the work for her “Even so lies she, Blubb’ring and weeping, weeping and blubb’ring. Stand up… For Juliet’s sake…”(Shakespeare, Act III, Scene III). If Juliet actually left her room, maybe she would’ve been there to prevent tybalt’s death, also forestalling Romeo’s banishment, keeping both of them

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