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Comparing Nature In Carroll's Alice In Wonderland 'And Frankenstein'

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The Exploration Within
Everyone goes through life with unexpected twists and turns coming from all sides at all times. There are many journey stories that portray a character with ambition and intelligence. The Odyssey is an archetypal journey story that has been replicated in various ways by writers. Lewis Carroll’s book, Alice in Wonderland, and Mary Shelley’s book, Frankenstein incorporate nature in their stories. The ability to adapt to the force of nature gives the main character control over their life.
In Lewis Carroll’s book, Alice in Wonderland, though Alice needed help from the mouse, Alice was rude to the mouse. And though she did said to not acknowledge the cat anymore, she kept on saying it. This portrays the idea disrespect is useless. But as the …show more content…
While staying at the cottage, the creature learned language by eavesdropping on the Le Lacey’s. But, with this knowledge, the creature figured out that it does not always feel good to have knowledge, “Of what a strange nature is knowledge! It clings to the mind, when it has once seized on it, like a lichen on the rock. I wished sometimes to shake off all thought and feeling…” (157). With the knowledge, the creature felt a disconnect with humans, but the act of learning gave the creature power to have more opportunities to learn more about the world. The creature fails to succeed in it’s life due to the rejection of itself due to it’s previous wrongful actions. Because of this, the creature ended up taking it’s own life in despair. In The Odyssey, Odysseus’ men was rude to Odysseus when they opened the bag of winds assuming there was treasure in the bag. It was due to greed. These books portray the idea that one must learn and react accordingly throughout their experiences. They must reflect upon themselves in order to move forward and move closer to their

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